Apr 24, 2008 21:10
Yahoo!Mail: my arch-nemesis
Yahoo mail is stupid. About once a day, it won't let me in, and I have to click "forgot password" and "recreate my password" because it always tells me mine is invalid. I keep using the same damn password every time.
My parents are supposed to be coming into town on Saturday morning, which is nice. It will also give me an opportunity to clean up, which I have needed to do for a long time but was either too sore, tired, or unmotivated to do.
Have I mentioned here that I have a 40-60 page paper to write for my class this quarter? It's a business plan. However, if I am allowed to do it about any business, it can be handy as Allen and I have always kind of dreamed of owning our own gym. We'd have a business plan all ready if we chose to do so. Granted, it would be written by a college student, but the experience would be helpful, I am sure.
Sleeping in and exhaustion
I have slept in until 10 these past two days. It has been quite nice. I need to be careful though because I don't want that time to keep creeping up little by little until it becomes noon. I'm tired enough to sleep past noon, believe me, I just want to maintain some normalcy in my routine rather than reversing my sleep schedule that took me a long time to set. I'd rather wake up early and take a nap in the middle of the day, to be honest, but at the same time I don't want to have to set my alarm. I should just get up the first or second time I wake up, which is usually around 6:30 the first time and 7:00 the second time.
More honest that I intended to be
I was watching "True Life: I'm Pregnant" for the umpteenth time today when it hit me- I'm pregnant. I looked down at my big belly and started crying. It gets so overwhelming at some points, such as today. I can't believe that I am actually pregnant. In a few months, my life is going to drastically change forever.
What really started the waterworks is that I took a virtual tour of the hospital I'm delivering at. It just seemed so real. I have NO idea what I'm in for. Not just with the labor and delivery, but the rest of my life. I wanted to stop crying but I realized that I can't just hold back my feelings and fears forever, at some point I'm going to have to confront them. So, I just laid there are cried and cried. When I was done, I got up and stood in the shower for a while. I felt so helpless, so young, yet so old. I know we are embarking on a journey that we both want and have wanted for a long time now, but when the reality hits you, sometimes it's just really scary and humbling. It's times like these that I feel myself pulling into my theoretical shell until I can come out and face the music.
On the lighter side..
My Mariners don't seem to be doing so well this season. Maybe it's just a rough start...