Damn, I'm a sarcastic biatch today.

Apr 03, 2008 09:05

Freedom, for now at least.
My last day of freedom before the bosses come back into town. I'd better get all of my internet surfing done today. Oh, yeah, and my work too of course.
The wicked witch of Central WA called yesterday. She was pissed at me for something. She's in Idaho right now, skiing. I guess her nasty temper travels really far. It knows no bounds. Yes, she really is that evil. You're on vacation, chill the fuck out.
But, I only have about 2.5 months left of this shit before I have my baby. Then, if I have any breathing time, I'll apply for other jobs while at home.
Dreams about pumping and Lauren having a baby
I had a dream about pumping last night. Oh and Lauren, if you still read this, you had a baby too. I don't know where you came into the picture but your baby was adorable as well, lol.
Training Day
I'm already training Alana within my belly. I'm telling her the essential things in life. For example, Daddy is a very good man. Also, even though I complain about being uncomfortable, it's not her fault and I still love her more than anything. Then there's the essential "Auntie Kristine, will you take me shoe shopping?" I think she kicks a little bit harder when I mention shoe shopping. She's definitely my daughter.
13 months of marriage, woohoo!
Allen and I have a cute little contest where on the third of every month, we race to wish the other a happy anniversary. This would have happened last night had we not both taken Excedrin PM again, lol. I won this month and we both seem to think we won the one year. I don't honestly remember who won, but I totally think I did. It gets intense on some months. We'll steal the other's phone so they can't see the time and set an alarm on our own phone to go off on vibrate in our pockets so we can win at midnight. It's intense.
A look into my psyche
Speaking of which, we both had crazy dreams last night. I dreamt that we were at my parents' house when Allen pulled out a film cannister with burning weed in it and we smoked it together. Yup, getting high at my parents' house. Out of a film cannister. He dreamt I killed someone and he was helping me hide it. How sweet :o)
Big plans for the tax return
As much as we'd both like to pay off our debt or blow it, we're going to have to be conservative with it. Receiving it will give us a chance to purchase a set of cloth diapers and any other things we don't receive as presents. Also, it will get us through the time I'm not working. Allen will be working full-time but the tennis club only pays him two peanuts an hour, and I get four, so we will need an extra supply.
I think that's all for now. Allen is not on his death bed any more, he's half off of it, which is good. We are such a pair when we're both feeling crappy :D

money, baby, allen, dreams, kristine, married life, work

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