Sad stuff.

Feb 19, 2008 12:50

While talking to my mom last night, she told me some kind of bummer stuff. I'll post the first one but not the second, as I don't feel as though I need to air dirty family laundry.
My aunt, Catherine, who is my mom's best friend and who I am named after, has a tumor the size of a fist on her neck that also connects with her shoulder. It is full of nerve endings and extremely painful for her. Because it connects woth her right shoulder, she is unable to use her right arm at ALL, so the muscles in it have atrophed. She is left with a right arm that is skin and bones. She's on pain meds around the clock and unable to really do anything for herself because of them. She's been out of work for two weeks. She can't cook for herself. I guess she's seen two different doctors about it and one said that it was indeed malignant and the other said that it was somewhat malignant (this is third or fourth hand info, so it seems a little odd).
She's waiting for them to look at it again, and I'm not sure what's going on with the surgery or what surgery could do. My mom's going to go and cook meals for her to have and the other girls are going to take care of her as best as they can. They all live pretty far apart. My aunt Catherine lives in Greenwood, my mom is in West Seattle (they're the closest together), one lives in Lynnwood and the other on Bainbridge Island. They have families too so it's hard for them to be there too much.
Please pray for her, she's unmarried, no kids.

sad stuff

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