(no subject)

Nov 15, 2007 20:30

I meant to update on Saturday night but as soon as I got home, Allen did too. I try not to slave to my LJ when Allen is home. Then I would have written Sunday but I was exhausted all day. BUT, the good thing is that I had one of the best weekends I have had in a long long time! I was just as happy like I was living back in Seattle again.
The Bad- A Test
In the morning I took a test that was way too involved for me. It was twenty questions, all with A, B, C, D and E sections, short answers. Definitions. It took me the entire three hours to complete and because the computer was by the window, I was freezing the entire time. I'm not a difficult person to please. Just keep me warm.
The Almost Double Date
Allen and I were invited to go out for dinner with another couple, Kristine and Alex. Allen was working all weekend except for when I was taking a test and football. Basically it was a no-go for Allen.
Kristine, Alex and I went out to the Dakota Cafe in Ellensburg. The three of us went to middle school together and the two of them are dating and were high school sweethearts. Alex goes to school at Central and Kristine lives back in Seattle. Kristine and I send each other cards all of the time. Somehow, even though we went to middle school together and never actually had any classes, we've managed to keep in touch. So beforehand I got all nervous like "what if they don't like me?" It was funny, it felt like a real date in a sense. If anyone has been on a double date with another couple they know what that's like.
We sat there and talked for a long time. Kristine has the clearest most beautiful skin, I couldn't stop staring at it. She is so pretty. Seeing her in person was neat because we had emailed and card-ed for so long and her personality is just as awesome in person. I loved Alex too. I actually had one class with him, in seventh grade and he confirmed with me what I already knew- that teacher messed up each and every single of one her students. Good old Mrs. Burroughs.
They were the perfect couple too. They both talked and could hold great conversations and although I knew I was on a date with a couple, it didn't feel awkward. I drove home from Ellensburg feeling SO good. I haven't felt like that in a long time. You know when someone really just lifts you up and makes you feel like a million bucks, just by being around them? Well that's what Kristine always did for me and Alex is the same way. Basically, as corny as it is, I went to sleep smiling that night. That is the kind of girlfriends I like to have, that's how the friends I keep around make me feel.
Bonus points because Alex drank Blue Moon was was my FAVORITE BEER EVER.
I went to church with my coworker Ashley on Sunday (aka the Gullible Girl) and loved her church immediately when I walked in. A big black guy gave me a hug as soon as I walked in the door and told me I was smiling therefore I must be in the right place. It reminded me a lot of my church back in Seattle, at least how it was when I knew it. The pastor was interesting and gave a lot of good ways to apply his teaching to real life. Going to a church just to be preached at never worked for me, I needed to know how it applied to my real life.
I have to admit, at the risk of sounding like a small town girl, they had a few black people at their church which I LOVED. One huge thing I miss about Seattle is the diversity. Black people are really rare here and Asian people are even rarer. Given that I went to schools that had large populations of Black and Asian, this is normal to me. I always excitedly tell my coworkers when I see a black person because I LOVE diversity and LOVE seeing it even more, lol. When I am back in Seattle, I am just in awe of the diversity. Anyways, lol.

All in all it was an amazing weekend. It went entirely too fast but for all the right reasons.
Still searching for a job, keep me in your prayers, things are looking bad.

alex, church, mid-terms, kristine

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