(no subject)

Oct 21, 2007 16:38

I really like reading the things people have to say on the Nest boards but they're so clicky that I don't have the energy to bother at times. This is especially true for the Married Life Boards. There are so many posts that have the title of someone's member name. Isn't that what private messages are for? It makes me feel like I'm back in high school again and the "in" crowd really wants to make themselves known. The girls all seem to be really cool, I just don't always feel like dealing with the click.

I've been getting accustomed to my new lonlier lifestyle out here in Yakima. It's making me more shy and keep to myself. I find it harder to open up to new people unless it's a situation where they could really benefit from it, but beyond that I won't do it. I find myself quite shy and I feel like I have taken some steps backwards in my personal development because I have become so shy. I wish that moving back to Seattle was an option, but it's just not.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? Right??

the nest, yakima, life lessons

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