[paul/nina] and the lights blind me

Aug 02, 2012 16:54

Title: and the lights blind me
Fandom: rpf (real person fic)
Characters: paul wesley, nina dobrev, ian somerhalder
Word Count: 1,783
Rating: pg
Spoilers: teen choice awards 2011
Disclaimer: if rpf ain't your thang, turn around nowww. you have been warned.
Summary: And there’s that twinkle in her eyes as she looks at him that he remembers seeing the ( Read more... )

rpf, rpf: the vampire diaries, dobsley, fic, paul/nina

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awesomemorning August 2 2012, 09:11:14 UTC
Oh. Oh. Oh. I don't know where to start or how to properly convey how I felt or just how well you wrote him and them and this. But first let me say how HAPPY I am to read this, I don't care how long it took, it was so completely worth it.

There is a deep engrained quality to this, a subtitle to it, of them and every thing that goes unsaid between them; their friendship and their history and what they feel to one another, how they make one another feel, it was all so effortless and embedded and just so there without you having to blatantly write it out. You can sense their history here, FEEL their history here and it's a quality I wish I could grasp better in my writing and I quality I find in writing very rarely. You nailed it, babe. To put it lightly. You nailed him, Paul, so well, as you always do but for something reason it's always a little shocking to me, just how true to the person I see him as and know so little of that I find written so wholly in your pieces with him. If that makes sense? Haha. Basically you are THE MASTER of The Wesley.

And this:

And there’s that twinkle in her eyes as she looks at him that he remembers seeing the very first day they read together. The twinkle that made him fight tooth and nail to make sure they picked him for Stefan Salvatore. The twinkle that made the air drop out of chest when he pulled away from their first kiss as Stefan and Elena and it was there, shining in her eyes.

That twinkle that means Paul can’t help but nod, smile back and reply, “Right.”

I FLIPPED EXTRA HARD FOR BECAUSE IT IS SO LOVELY. So so lovely and especially the imagery of the 'air drop out of his chest when he pulled away from their kiss as Stefan and Elena' gah, I want to circle, underline, highlight that over and over again. Just, that's what I mean by the subtitle and their shared smiles and how she makes him so much braver and that she knows him SO. WELL. Holy shit, can I just love you all over for getting that right every single time you write them, how well they know one another, as friends, as something more, just as two people who have a history together. Just. I love it. I love this. You are so good at them, how weighted your words are, how wonderful your writing is. You're amazing, really. I've already read it twice over and I'm still grinning like a complete fool. And as much as I ADORE the angst I think I might adore the warmth and sweetness AND LOVELINESS even more.

And you better believe I am going to keep nagging you for more.


cathiexx August 11 2012, 12:56:16 UTC
Oh you.

I appreciate so much that you get the subtlety in this. It's something that I struggle with sometimes, because I don't like blatantly putting certain things out there but then I don't want to be too cryptic either, you know? So I'm glad that it came across realistically and just okay in the end.

And haha, it's so funny that you mention how I write Mr Wesley - because I have no idea why, but I just find it a hell of a lot easier to get into his mind space than Nina's, which is why I tend to write from his POV. Really don't know what's up with that, but glad it seems to work. :)

Thanks so much for this darling. This was a pain to get out and once again (a theme for me, i think) I was desperate to get it finished so I might have rushed the ending a bit which I'm disappointed with but there you go.

<3 <3 <3 Love you! Thank you.


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