[stefan/katherine] it's not you i see

Feb 23, 2012 00:36

Title: it's not you i see
Fandom: the vampire diaries
Characters: stefan salvatore, katherine pierce, klaus mikaelson
Word Count: 3,023
Rating: nc-17
Spoilers: season 3
Disclaimer: i don't own any of these characters. god help us if i did.
Summary: He almost turns around to go back into the house; to go back to Klaus. He almost thinks that it might ( Read more... )

fic: the vampire diaries, fic, stefan/katherine

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awesomemorning February 23 2012, 04:20:45 UTC
First of all, I can't even begin to tell you how clever and completely realistic this idea is. I'm almost annoyed that there's no way for them to do this now because MISSED OPPORTUNITY LIKE CRAZY. I mean, this is a little beyond TVD standards because it's a pretty thin line to step over (and it's a little too clever for them) but they've had Katherine pretend to be Elena with Stefan before in S2 and he's always know but because he is so desperate, so thin (which you captured so well, btw, how weak he is, how crippled by the blood, I mean, right off the bat you nailed it: The blood of his latest victim is fresh in his mouth. He can still taste the metallic tang on his tongue; can still feel the way the blood rushed warm down his throat as he pierced her flesh, I CAN SMELL THE BLOOD AND TASTE IT IN MY MOUTH JUST FROM THAT LINE, CATHIE) so for him to just BELIEVE it was Elena because that's how WEAK and DESPERATE he is. Just. It's so disgustingly fantastic and believable. It broke my heart.

So this review is ALL over the place but I just have so many thoughts and feelings and GAH, I had to leave the room as I was reading this for the first time off the ipad because apparently I kept going, "Oh my god...oh my god, this is so good" every 5 seconds under my breath and my sister got so sick of me, she kicked me out of the living room LOL. But I have no idea why you ever doubted yourself because the writing is so encapsulating of HIM and Katherine and their relationship and the undertone of it, the pain and Katherine just DOING it because she knows it's what he wants and it's the only way to get him. And god, when she shifts to be Elena? SO. GOOD. Such a quiet, effortless shift she made.But you're not sure which side wins in the end, whether or not she did it mainly for him or mainly for her. I mean, it's Katherine so of course the basis of anything she does is for HER but that's what makes it so great. Why you got her so well. Because that's her character, that twisted, unevenness to her. Also? It was Katherine 100%. She's the character I'll judge the most in the stories because I believe that she is the most difficult to write for and to GET but you GOT HER SO WELL HONEYBEE.

And the Elena-ness. MY HEART. WAS POUNDING. When he thought it was her across the street? I THOUGHT IT WAS HER. Even though I knew it wasn't, I was so caught up in him just needing only her and then she's there and fuck, you did that so well. That slip and slide he has of constantly just breathing Elena every day because that's what gets him going at all, to knowing he can't ever be with her again and the desperation of that.

And the sex. The sex. Freaking hell woman, so hungry they both are and tired and desperate. I keep using that word but it's so seeped into this fic in such a brilliant way. The desperation, knowing it's not really her but believing it is and just. So good. So well done. And then him having to deal with that and feeling so disgusted by himself, that much more. Such a well done transfer to his lust to his guilt, how heavy that is and apparent. Just brilliant writing, honeybee. You are brilliant. I love this thing so much and you captured Katherine/Stefan. I'm wanting them to have their 'thing' whatever that be that much more, haha.



cathiexx February 23 2012, 11:50:25 UTC
I don't even know how to begin replying to this wonderful amazing (SERIOUSLY UNBELIEVABLE AND UNDESERVED) ball of praise.

Just, thank you. Thank you so much. The fact that you got and felt his desperation is EXACTLY EXACTLY what I was going for. Because yes, exactly the point that Katherine has tried the whole "look at me Stefan, I'm Elena" thing before and it never ever ever worked... BECAUSE HE DIDN'T NEED/WANT IT TO. But I wanted to take him to that point where he just needs Elena so damn much that basically, he's willing to fool himself into believing the illusion. He's willing to just go with it and live in that fantasy because he pretty much thinks it's the closest he's going to get now.

And HEE. Your sister seriously kicked you out? Oh ha, I love it. I love it so much.

Oh and the point about not being sure WHO Katherine really did it for? I'm glad that came across too. Because I definitely feel that sometimes, she is capable of doing things to help someone (well, not just someone, STEFAN) out BUT there most definitely has to be a huge pay off for her to even be remotely willing to do it. And here, her motivations - in my mind - were mostly selfish. A) she does want Stefan to be the one to kill/work out a way to kill Klaus and B) she's been wanting sexy times with him again for a verrrrrrrry long time. So it's a win/win situation for her here, haha.

I just am so glad you got the desperation and the exhaustion and the need. That's exactly what I wanted to come across the most from this so that pleases me soooo much. I'm a little disappointed with the end; I think I rushed it just to get it done, but, you know. It is what it is.

Thanks for being so lovely and supportive honey. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU. <3


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