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teenwitch77 January 12 2008, 07:47:57 UTC

I've missed you, babe! So glad you're coming back!


cathiexx January 12 2008, 07:51:29 UTC
thanks so much em!!

i've missed you too, gorgeous. (haha, even though we have facebook but WHATEVS. it's not that same as the wonderful world of lj!!)


teenwitch77 January 12 2008, 07:53:34 UTC

Haha, I am so bad at keeping up with people on facebook. YAY LJ!


cathiexx January 12 2008, 07:57:47 UTC
haha. you can't beat lj!!

how've you been, darling?


teenwitch77 January 12 2008, 08:13:21 UTC
Definitely not ;D

I've been good! Rather bored right now, I haven't been able to find a job so just doing some volunteering until uni comes back, doing far too much lazing around, really. How about you?!


cathiexx January 12 2008, 08:58:24 UTC
what kind of volunteering are you doing? i would love to do something like that one day - i've always wanted to help out at an animal shelter. even just cleaning out kennels or whatever.

but lazing around is awesome! you can't beat lazing around. lol. i've been doing that for the past three weeks, and i've fallen in love! don't want to go back to work on tuesday AT ALL.

i've been good! been on holidays and been up to queensland and just had an all round good time. really refreshing and relaxing and just what i needed.

but i've done absolutely zero writing, which sucks. definitely hoping my return here will spark something up in that sense.


teenwitch77 January 12 2008, 09:59:58 UTC
Training dogs for kids with disabilities, but there's a lot of cleaning up and stuff like that involved too. It's not much, but it feels nice to do something kind of useful.

Hee! I'm so sick of it though! I actually want uni back, which is just wrong.

So glad you had a good time! I remember seeing on facebook you said you had to deal with some of the wild weather up there, so good to hear it was fun anyway!

Ooh *smiles* Cathie fic, yes please. I know what you mean, though. I've written some things, but nothing I really like, you know? And it's harder to get inspired. Hm.


cathiexx January 12 2008, 10:31:24 UTC
oh, wow! no, that definitely is awesome stuff. rewarding and fun and very, very useful. good on you, em! well done.

ha! i do understand, though. there comes a point in time where you NEED to get back to being run off your feet. in a sense, anyway.

the weather WAS horrible. a complete disappointment. but we made the most of it and just did inside stuff instead (and spent a TON of money in the process). and we were lucky, because they day we decided to go to movieworld it cleared up and was a lovely, sunny day. so that worked out nicely!

pfffft, if cathie even remembers how to write fic anymore! lol. i had a quick breeze at your old entries and hello, robin hood fic? I AM SO OUT OF THE LOOP! tell me, is this a new show? should i be getting my hands on it? like, now?


teenwitch77 January 13 2008, 01:59:04 UTC
Aw thanks :-)

Definitely. And then when it happens, you want all that free time back again.

Oh movieworld, awesome! So glad you were able to make the most of it.

Lol! You'll remember! OMG YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WATCH ROBIN HOOD. It has a dark twisty love triange I think you would love. And multiple ships, pretty people, angst and action!


cathiexx January 13 2008, 06:06:13 UTC

totally just sold it for me. haha. <3


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