01. I'm going to see 30 seconds to mars tonight. And I'm really looking forward to it, because I like a few songs. Mainly though? I'm all sohsahjsdakjhdsakjh GOING TO SEE JARED LETO saksdhsdauhadiuhadhu!!
02. It's Mark's older sister's birthday today. We're going out after the concert and staying at a hotel in the city. Expect me to be slightly hung over tomorrow.
03. I finished my
we_take_five fic! YAY!
the bowerbird brings you this. It's Jim/Pam and sort of angsty but hello, there's sexing. So read it now.
04. I don't have to work again until Tuesday. Hee.
05. New office ep is 68% complete. OMG I NEED IT TO HURRY UP!
06. Okay kids, shower time. I need to pick out my clothes for teh concert and also for the going-out afterwards. I hate picking out clothes.
06. How's things with you? ♥