[hugh/jennifer] don't say a prayer for me (is it really that bad?)

Mar 10, 2007 02:20

I warn you now. This is a REAL PERSON FIC. If you don't agree with this (oh but come on, why not? IT'S SO MUCH FUN!) then please don't read.

Otherwise, enjoy! <3

Title: don’t say a prayer for me (is it really that bad?)
Fandom: rpf (real person fic)
Characters: hugh laurie, jennifer morrison, jesse spencer, etc, hugh/jennifer, hints of jesse/jennifer
Word Count: 912
Rating: nc-17
Spoilers: general S3, major 3.15 'half-wit'
Summary: She starts to get into her car, but suddenly there’s a hand on her wrist and she’s out of the car again and he’s backing her against the door

For my gorgeous fated_addiction; because you put the thought in my head and now it just won’t go away. And ha, guess what darling? YOUR TURN. ♥

don't say a prayer for me (is it really that bad?)

Cameron stands on her toes and cups House’s face in her hands, fingers dancing over his skin. She leans in and captures his lips with hers, and they’re kissing and it’s almost amusing that it’s actually happening.

Hugh fucks up the scene seven times.

one. He laughs, because Jennifer looks at him cross-eyed.

two. He stands too far on the right, and blocks camera three’s shot with his shoulder.

three. He screws up his line, says “I haven’t died yet” instead of “I’m not dead yet” and he insists on doing it again, doing it right, because he is a professional after all.

four. He decides that House should tangle his fingers in Cameron’s hair as they kiss, and ends up ruining Jennifer’s perfectly styled fringe.

five. He forgets his line. (I know this must be a turn on for you.)

After an hour has passed, and the fifth take has been shot (and ruined), Jesse turns to Omar.

“Let me know when they’re done.”

And he heads towards his trailer.


David orders, “ONE MORE TIME, PEOPLE” and the cameras begin rolling again.

Jennifer tries not to blush when Hugh looks at her and says, “The sacrifices we make for our art.”


He’s a gentleman, she tells herself, when he walks her to her car that night after filming. It’s dark and late and Jesse finished all his scenes much earlier. He’s a gentleman, and she leans a little closer to his side as they walk.

“I’m absolutely knackered,” and he exhales long and steady, like he’s been holding his breath all day.

“At least you don’t have the five am start tomorrow,” she teases and brushes her hair out of her eyes. “So much for my beauty sleep, right?”


They reach her car and she turns the key in the lock, opening her door and leaning on the frame. She looks up at him, nods her head and smiles. (Because what else is she supposed to do?)

“Thanks for walking me.”

The corners of his mouth curve slightly, and he exaggerates a bow. “Pleasure was all mine.”

She starts to get into her car, but suddenly there’s a hand on her wrist and she’s out of the car again and he’s backing her against the door.

“Hugh --” she starts, but then his lips are smooth on her neck and she can’t help but let out a small, “oh”.

Her hands rest at the back of his neck and she pulls him closer to her, tilting her head back to allow him better access. His lips move to the curve of her shoulder and he sinks his teeth into the skin as his hands sit firmly against her waist.

She bites back a hiss and instead mumbles ohgodyeshugh.

When her fingers smooth along the zip of his pants and her knuckles brush his cock, he whispers to her, “Who needs beauty sleep anyway?”


She comes as his tongue brushes along her clit and he murmurs this was inevitable, you know against the inside of her thigh.


Lisa takes a sip of her coffee before she beams at Jennifer and whispers across the table, “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

And Jennifer almost snorts and shoots a glance at Jesse who’s laughing with Robert and Katie. She turns back to Lisa, her lips a tight line. “No, I’m not.”

“Oh,” she says, curling her dark hair behind her ears. “You just look... different. I thought glowing maybe.”

Jennifer wonders if that’s what living in lies does to you.


Sometimes, in a certain light, the sparkle from her ring blinds her.

-- sometimes, she hates it.


Hugh’s on the phone when she walks past him, across to the next set.

“I have to go sweetheart. No rest for the wicked and all that.” There’s a pause, and she can feel his eyes at her back. “Tell your mother I love her.”

She keeps walking, even when she hears the click of the phone shutting and his footsteps behind her.


He bends her over the sofa in his trailer, and his cock brushes against the curve of her ass as he pushes closer.

“We really need to go --” she begins, her words dropping when he spreads her thighs just a little more, his hands warm on her skin.

“They’ll wait for us,” he replies and he presses a kiss to the back of her neck.

She closes her eyes and thinks of the fact that she used to be such a good girl.

When he finally (FINALLY) slides into her, she bites down hard on her lip and thinks that this is worth going to hell for.


Lynne, her make up artist, meets her eyes through the reflection in the mirror and grins at her.

“Someone has a hick-ey”, she sings. And Jennifer smiles and laughs and acts the innocent, blushing fiancee`.

“Don’t worry,” Lynne assures her, holding up a bottle. “This sucker will cover up anything. Even that monster.”

As she applies the liquid, Jennifer holds her breath. Lynne clucks her tongue, swiping the sponge over her collarbone once more.

“Tell Jesse to go easy next time, okay?”

Jennifer nods. “Sure.”


They’re both actors, right? So they can pretend, and it’ll all be okay.

No one will have to get hurt.

rpf, fic, rpf: house, hugh/jennifer

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