you still my heart

Oct 21, 2006 09:39

SADKJHAJHDALJ!! *frustrated keyboard smash*

I have most of the night to myself tonight, as Mark played cricket this afternoon and is now over a friend's house having a few drinks. And I managed to make some really excellent progress on a couple of fics that I'm working on, (my backsexy entry, for one!) but suddenly it feels like I've hit a wall.

Nothing is coming anymore. And it's making me extremely sad. And angry. And wanting alcohol.

So help a poor girl out, would ya? MEME TIME!

Give me a character/pairing and a prompt, and I'll give you ONE sentence in return. FUN!

I'm up for doing anything House, Firefly, L&O:SVU or even old school stuff like Dawson's Creek, Sex and the City or Felicity. Help me write something, guys!

<3 <3 <3


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