wanna do you right where you're standing

Sep 06, 2006 14:34

And because my hour long lunch break is now the ONLY TIME I seem to have for the internets these days; I bring you all a very rushed attempt at pic!spam from my buddy Danny's twenty-first birthday party last Saturday night.

I warn you now. It was seventies/eighties/disco themed. So we all look like tools.

Danny the birthday boy. Check out that hairy chest! Also, the poor boy chipped his front teeth the other week while playing hockey. He was highly distressed because it happened just before his birthday -- but we all loved it because it gave us plenty of ammunition for our speeches!

Me and Sam, who is one of my best friends. Unfortunately she had to leave the party early due to a family emergency, the poor chicken, but while she was there we were having a blast!

My killer red-velvet-knee high boots that totally stole the show. I love them.

Me, Mariannel and Laura. Aren't we the cutest?

Me and Mark. Does he look like Vanilla Ice, or what? *grins* (I think we did pretty well, considering we didn't plan our outfits AT ALL and I bought all our stuff THAT MORNING!)

Danny and his cake while his Dad (to the left) makes a heart-warming speech. Seriously, it was lovely.

Mark giving his speech, and one of Dan's older brother's Warren giving his. SO CUTE!

Me and Garzie. We're brother and sister. Heh. (It's a long story that originated in like, year eight of highschool. We're such dorks!)

Mark and Garzie. I don't know what's happening here, but it looks like Garz is trying to move in on my man! How dare he! *grins*

Me and my buddy Shay. Doesn't he look awesome? Best boy costume EVER.

Awwww! Friends! I love my friends!

We danced ALOT.

Mark and Smithy. Adorable, adorable boys!

Somehow, Garzie lost his pants. I really don't know how.

Then we all grew moustaches. Again, not sure how. Or why. But don't we all look sexy? Like, eighties porn star sexy?

Me, Mariannel and Shay.

And lastly, Mark and I looking quite smashed indeed. I love it when we're both drunk. We look hilarious.

And there's a million more photos, but now I have to rush off back to work. JKHLEHNSALJDHAAJH! Why doesn't work just die?

rl, rl: party

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