well you'd like to think that you were invincible

Aug 20, 2006 17:56

So. Last night, some friends and I went to Fox Studios to see that new Aussie film "2:37". I'd heard some excellent things about it; it was pretty much getting rave reviews (and that's pretty rare for Aussie films!) so I was looking forward to it alot.

It did not disappoint. In fact, when the credits began to roll, all four of us sat there in SHOCK. Like, we did not move or speak or even breathe for about five minutes.

It's depressing. It's gritty. It's real. It's painful. It's brilliant. It's clever. It's fantastic. It's disturbing. And the fact that it's an Aussie movie makes me so damn proud. Seriously. It deals with some very, very intense issues; rape, unwanted pregnancy, suicide, bullying, predjudice and so many more that I can't even begin to name without giving things away.

Go see it. It's not showing at many places, but if you can, GO SEE IT. It's dark and genius and will shake you to your core.


Tonight I am going over Mark's and he's having people over for some drinks and other such things. It should be fun. I love just hanging out with everybody and being silly and laughing and enjoying each other's company. Still, I'm looking forward to tomorrow too. Being alone and being able to do whatever I feel like while everyone else is at work/uni. Ah. Sweet solitude.

And because my muses are going CRAZY with all of this inspiration and zero time to do anything with it; I am bringing out the ONE SENTENCE MEME. Hooray!

Give me a character/pairing and a prompt, and I'll give you ONE sentence in return. FUN!

prompt request

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