My aunt is in San Diego this weekend, my parents and Nick came up for the day, and I changed my room around. I moved my bed and the desk and book case. It's a different look. I like it though. I just need to finish cleaning it up. My mom helped as much as she could too. When they got here we went to the State Fair which sucked! I think I would have had more fun if I went with friends or something. My dad is just not how he used to be, he's a lot more anxiety ridden and he was pissing me off because he wouldn't stop for us to eat, and we were only there for an hour and 1/2. So we finally left and went to Pei Wei for a late lunch. (Just a quick random thought. Why the hell can you say balls and ass but not hole or suck on tv? I just want to know!) Okay back on topic... So that's when we came back to the house and moved things around.
My aunt gets back tomorrow night, so I need to clean up the kitchen and bathroom before she gets back. For some reason the house smells of food and I didn't throw anything away in the trash out there. So I need to figure out what it is. AND I FORGOT TO FEED THE CATS!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT! They have dry food and water so they didn't go without ANY food but I feel like shit!
So speaking of friends, I've been emailing this girl that I met on and we are going to meet tomorrow at Hard Rock Cafe for lunch. She suggested it last night and I'm nervous. I get paranoid about things but I keep thinking, what are we going to talk about? Will she like me, will I like her??? I'll pray that it goes well because I can use the friend right now!
I get Labor Day off so I think I'll just work on stuff in my room. I KEEP SNEEZING! My allergies are KILLING me because of the moving around. There were a lot of dust bunnies behind the computer and I had to empty the electric broom and my mom threw away the bag right away but she told me to never do that in my room again.
OH and I published my website online, for now you can see it at It's not nearly finished but I wanted to get it online. I'm working on the Main St USA page at the moment but take a look around and tell me what you think. And YES of course I made a Disneyland website I'm obsessed remember! Speaking of Disneyland things, if you like Disneyland and listen to podcasts, Window to the Magic is a GREAT website! If you don't have iTunes, just go to their website and you can download episodes from there.
I forgot to mention too that I went to lunch with this lady at work, Kathy, to Chevy's "on the river" which is what everyone calls it because it's right on the river. (NO SHIT REALLY?!)
Okay so that was basically my week. I better go, I'm working on my Main Street page.