
Dec 01, 2004 12:11

When I said I'm going to "kill" this LJ...I didn't mean literally delete it. I have decided, as my Michaelmas term comes to a close...that I will stop updating this journal. I have some great memories on here...but I don't think I want to be associated with this journal anymore...for various reason.

I look back on entries a year/two years ago and all I did was WHINE about someone who wasn't worth it and quite frankly I'm better than him anyway...

I am starting to slip into WHINE mode yet again...only this time he's worth it a little more...but I have to live in the same College as him for three years so this really needs to get sorted. Anyway long story short: I need to stop whining.

When I'm not whining I make stupid, immatue posts...usually along the lines of "OMGALEXXLOLZ11223!" that make me seem sixteen years old and in dire need of getting laid. I don't want to be lumped in with people who don't actually like music...that are just there to drool over band members. God it's like being twelve and into North And South again!

I have become disenchanted with the Muse and Franz Ferdinand fanbases, nobody on this friends' list comes under this heading, but no offence...a lot of Muse/Franz fans are psychos...I don't want to be associated with them. In fact I feel weird being considered a "fan" of one of the two now anyway.

This isn't me being all "omg attention seeking, plz don't delete me!11" but really...please don't. I will still read your journals and I'm keeping this journal open so I can keep an eye on the communities I am a member of. Who knows I may update from time to time as well.

I hate this website with a passion...yet I can't stay away. It's caused me so much misery and awkwardness and now it's distracting me from my degree. I have discovered that putting minimal effort in here gets you a nice big third class. I don't want that. I want at least a second upper.

Yeah...that's it I think. x
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