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Mar 01, 2009 20:02

march 1, 2009

Deanna speaks @ MRV on the Religious Spirit

Cu pacatul in viata noastra: ce vine usor si nu e intentionat?

Ask God to show us our traditions.
1. We determine to do better so God will forgive us and accept us back
2. Take our sin to Jesus, repent, ask for forgiveness, and believe that his blood is enough.

HS, speak to me and teach me through this message.

Religious spirit keeps us from hearing from God. And it keeps us from asking Him because we assume we know His opinion.

Religious spirit rationalizes Scripture-we make excuses when HS wants to convict us through it.

If I think someone else needs this message, I have the Religious Spirit!

RS hides behind religious zeal-Jesus had conflicts with the religious elite (pride), not with sinners/demons.

RS makes us afraid of God, so that we'll serve Him just hoping that He'll accept us.

RS-false idealism. “Everything must be perfect.” High standards but allow growth in grace.

RS punctetaza probleme in biserica. Nu vine cu solutii. Doesn't focus on the good.

RS-counterfeit discernment
vine cu atitudine de anger, judgment, suspicion...
look for ways to change, havev love. motivation-love.

RS-gets angry when people are following the spirit (because they're following the law).

We don't have the authority to correct others unless you have a history with someone, of love, encouragement, etc.

RS-root of self-righteousness. Legea-promoted by self-discipline. RS hates true prophecy. (silenced, then false prophecies can come).

Cand walk by the spirit, we have true humility-because we see our own sin.

RS-martyr syndrome. Feel like we'd die pt Christ (but not live for him necessarily)

People with the religious spirit

-mission to tear things down causes division
-nu primesc correction
-see more of what is wrong than right
-nu ajungem la standardele lui Dzeu performance (not a love relationship)
-they have tot “fix”everyone else. pride-spiritually mature.

RS-repulsed by those who are overly emotional (sau invers)
RS-discouraged when other people are doing better.
RS-suspicious of new movements. true humility keeps us teachable and open. Take questions to God and ask His opinion.

New things are uncomfortable because they're new and we're not used to them!
RS-often overly upset by RS in others (becomes an obsession)
-ne distrage atentia de la o relatie de dragoste cu El.


develop relationship with Him. learn to hear His voice-I'll see He loves me and I can trust Him. Cand citesc Cuvantul Lui, caut sa-l cunosc. Critica de altii va transforma in mijlocire pt altii. Il vom sluji pt ca il iubim.

Where are my wrong motives? Where am I operating out of the law? O God, humbly I come to you and ask You to show me where and how to repent.
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