there`s no heat in this house, I can`t breathe with these words in my mouth...

Oct 05, 2012 17:19

but I`m not gonna say them... yeah, I`ve made that mistake before.

I thought Alex was my friend first, but it turns out he thought I was an idiot once he hung out with Tyler and I only one time. Now he's back in Ontario. I think next must have been Myah (wow, no friends between him and her? I could be wrong). Ah yes, Kettle. For absolutely no reason he won`t speak to me or Tyler. He says "fuck you" when we see him in the hallways now, and his stepdad says to Tyler "I'm going to kill you" and "I'm going to hurt you" to me. We don't know why. I guess we're hateable. Myah wanted me to go out for dinner with her one night after work and I was so happy (my first friend!) but then hasn't really spoke to me since. Only to tell me we couldn't hang out ever again because she's moving to Red Deer or some other similarly named place. And then Hanna, who I was sure was really my friend. I saw her every day for a few weeks, even though her and Will were just temps. Obviously I misunderstood our friendship. I gave her a beautiful suit because I know she`s applying for a business job of some sort in Calgary. I even gave her advice on where to move in Calgary. But she left without saying goodbye, and I realize now that there was a reason for that. I have to learn not to get attached, apparently, because when I do I tell Tyler that I`ve made a new friend, but then when they stop talking to me he makes fun of me because it`s obviously my fault for having done something wrong.

I realize my grammar is awful tonight. Sigh. WHO EVEN CARES?! I'm aware that no one at all reads this anymore because I can't even keep Livejournal friends. It must be my fault. God. I'm going to lie down and read the Stephen King book I found in the "foyer" of my building.
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