Bits and Bobs

Apr 10, 2012 21:27

I’ve been really pathetic about blogging lately, so have some linkspams and random thoughts.

  • As you can see, I’ve returned to the old Super Catherine layout idea, although with some tweaks - mainly to make it a two-column one.
  • I’ve also been working on a brand new novel (the first part of a planned trilogy) in the vein of shows like Roswell and The Vampire Diaries. However the comparison to the former - especially when combined with the main couple being compared to Michael and Maria - often leaves people a bit confused. As such I have been introducing many people to the show and being antsy while I wait for DVDs. I have had to make do with music videos.
  • While on my Roswell kick, I discovered this thing where people make credits for shows in the styles of others. For example, here’s the Roswell opening in the styles of Charmed, Alias, Stargate SG1 and The OC. And in the style of Roswell we have Buffy, Doctor Who and Charmed. And last but not least, we have Supernatural in the styles of Charmed and Friends. I don’t know about you, but I’d watch that second show.
  • I am about half-way through A Game of Thrones. I have yet to watch the show and will do so once I’m through the books (I have the box set which is up until A Feast for Crows) but I am happy to say that I am now able to understand at least a few of the references people have been making.
  • I found this post by Giraffe Days which showcases YA cover trends. So many solemn white girls in prom dresses - it’s no wonder I keep forgetting what book it is I’m meant to be looking for, as it gets lost in a sea of similar covers.
  • I am wishing I had a tablet and have been drooling over the Samsung Galaxy Tab in particular. Maybe if I save up a lot I’ll be able to get myself one before NaNo.
  • Speaking of NaNo, I haven’t made my decision of what story to write. So far there are two main contenders: a witch story vs an aliens story.

And that’s pretty much it, I’m afraid. Until next time!

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