Let Me Ask You Something

Jul 14, 2011 16:03

As I am nearing the end of another short story I found myself wondering what I should do with it. I already have one of two short stories posted here on the blog plus a few more floating around on my computer.

So the question is: what should I do with them?

On another note, I am heading away for the weekend, which means some travelling time plus time sitting around a motel room. So I will be taking away my notebooks to get some writing in, and also have loaded up my Kobo with a range of books that I want to read - an ereader means I can take away a lot more and see what mood strikes.

Anyway, below is a list of books I am taking away. Tell me: what do you think I should read first?

Because of the size, I am gonna put it behind a cut.

Mirrored from Catherine-Haines.com.


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