I'm Pondering Word Counts

Jul 09, 2010 23:27

First of all: I reached the 45k mark for The Circled Green. So hooray for that. My goal is to reach 55k by the end of the month, which means I have to write about 500 words a day. As that's what I have been writing for the past little bit, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

What I'm finding interesting about The Circled Green is that right now I can't get a handle on its length. When I wrote my first draft of Blood Bound I used 80k as a guide to how close I was, and when I finished it 80k was the total of that draft.

The Circled Green isn't like that.

At first I used 70k as the guideline - nice and in the middle.

As The Circled Green went on, and things started moving faster than I originally thought, I guessed it might come down to 60k. But now that other things are happening, and I know I need to go back and add some description and further scenes etc. it looks like it might be up to 80k, same as Blood Bound.

So I guess I'll just have to keep writing and see how this one goes.

blood bound, the circled green, writing

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