Thought You Might Like This

May 26, 2010 13:19

So, sometime in March I went to a few things for Writers and Readers week, which was a part of the New Zealand International Arts Festival. As well as the solo Neil Gaiman talk (which heaps of people attended), I went to Once Upon A Time, which was a talk about children’s/YA lit with Neil Gaiman and Margo Lanagan.

Fastfoward to today, and me checking my feed reader. In the latest links and plugs post by Bibliophile Stalker, I saw that there was a podcast recording of that talk put up by Radio New Zealand.

I was quite chuffed by that, and immediately went off to check out the rest of the podcast. As well as the Gaiman/Lanagan talk, there was also one about writing for YA, which I downloaded but have yet to listen to.

I love finding (and sharing) random things like this.

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internet, resources, writing

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