
Jan 04, 2010 11:05

Everyone else is making their resolutions, so I’ll introduce you to some of mine. Other than the old standards of “lose weight” and “stop biting fingernails” and the new addition of “get a job”, the rest of writing-related.
  • Finish Lionheart draft by end of March.
  • Finish The Circled Green draft by end of September.
  • Write 20 000 more words for the Bones draft
  • (In order to complete the previous goals) write a minimum of 10 000 words a month.

So yeah, those are the goals. The first 50 000 words of Lionheart are already with the beta, so she can get a good going on it while I write the last 20 to 30 000 words. The big elusive goal is “get Lionheart into shape so I can query it”, and given the encouragement I have received, I hope that will a) happen and b) lead to something more.

I’d cross my fingers, but I can’t type like that.

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lionheart, the circled green, bones, writing

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