What Is Dinah Reading?

Sep 23, 2009 16:18

I start chapter four of Bones with Dinah lying on her bed reading and listening to music while Gregory sticks his hand through the door and waves it about in the hopes of catching her attention - as a ghost he can’t knock, and he does not know her well enough to simply walk through and say hello. Plus imagine the awkwardness if she was getting changed or something!

Anyway, just a bit of fun, plus a snippet of this WIP, can you guess what book it is Dinah is reading?

On her lap was a book, read so many times every page was dog-eared and the words on the spine were barely visible under the many thick white creases. The book in question was comfort reading and her favorite in the series - it was not as fancy-free and youthful as the first two, nor was it as dark as the later ones. The right amount of darkness and light for Dinah, and with a bittersweet ending. Although sadly the little bit of hope that the ending had once contained was gone, thanks to having read the rest of the series, it was still nice to pretend that she was as free and flying high as the title character.

Mirrored from Catherine-Haines.com.

bones, writing

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