Tidy Up & Writing Updates

Jun 28, 2008 01:29

I’ve written not quite 450 words today, although I probably will write some more after dinner - I am hoping to hit 37k by the time I go to bed, and I am at 36 614 right now.

I’ve been doing a bit of a blog tidy up, adding on bits and pieces like a stats page a page listing the plugins I use.

I also activated the livejournal crossposter plugin so that my entries here go straight to my livejournal, just as what happens with Disdainful-Soul.net.

On the writing side I am pleased to have suddenly thought of a better way of retelling the story of Song of the Phoenix. Rather than have the title character (Phoenix) be an emotionless soldier trained to fight, she’s a much more “normal” individual (albeit unknowingly superpowered, like the rest of them) who gets caught up with the rebels.

Aphrodite’s Rival once again came to the surface, and seems to have sparked a desire for a series of stories. Right now I am wanting to eventually do ones for Psyche, Helen of Sparta/Troy and Ariadne. And maybe Philomela/Procne, if a publisher will allow something that violent.

As for Ordinary People… still no closer to a title, but that doesn’t really matter now. Right now I am more than happy exploring Delia’s relationships with her family. So far it has been Charlie who’s been getting the most screentime, but now we have had a longer scene with Adam (with another few to come, especially once I add in scenes earlier) and a shorter one with her father (who I still have to name. Eek). Right now I am hoping to expand on her relationship with Zack, bring Kirsti in again before Halloween, and deal with Mom (Susan, yay!) and Bridget, although we’ve seen more glimpses of Susan and Bridget than we have the grandparents (especially Gramps).

Things are getting more exciting though, and I am glad. I have the basic plot down, with all the major events, and now I just need to - on the page, not in my head - develop the world, the characters, and all the events.

Originally published at Working Title. You can comment here or there.

blood bound, other works, general

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