Foot Off The Accelerator

Jun 25, 2008 05:17

The good news is, I have managed to break through my blah period, mostly thanks to exam period being over, and I can now actually focus on my writing.

The bad news is, I have given my work a glance over and realised I am lacking details, or missing scenes. The whole thing moves far too quickly for my liking. One event/crisis after another, with nothing sort of in between to slow it down, explain the world etc.

I have decided that, from now on I am going to take a much more careful and meticulous approach to writing, and once the whole tale is told go back and add in those scenes that I think are missing. So far this seems to be working, although I have already gone back and added a few sentences/paragraphs here and there, and it is already a big help.

Originally published at Working Title. You can comment here or there.

goals and targets

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