
Jun 13, 2009 18:55

Like many others in the blogoverse, I will be taking part in a little thing called Bloggiesta, for both On The Nightstand and For those of you who are unfamiliar with the latter, it is my personal/writing site.

What is Bloggiesta? Well, I am actually going to quote the person I found Bloggiesta by, Pam:

What is Bloggiesta? Well it is a special weekend for bloggers from any genre (ie. mommy, movie review, tech, lit, any blog on the planet), to spend some time doing maintenance on our blogs and social networking sites. The post on exactly how to join, and what exactly you need to be doing is located here at Maw Books (the event coordinator). The button you see to the top left is what brands this challenge so make sure to steal that and put it on your blog with your post detailing what it is you need to get done on your blog!

Here are some of the things that I am going to do for Bloggiesta.
For On The Nightstand
  • Write reviews for:
    • Eyes Like Stars
    • Prophecy of the Sisters
    • Fortune’s Folly (or rather, finish that review)
  • Update my about and contact/review policy pages.
  • Write up that post which explains my coding/styling for the way I set up my posts and reviews (since people have asked)
  • Create that template form for my review format.
  • Edit the background image thing for the ways to subscribe right down in the corner.
  • Update the writing page to include information about Lionheart
  • Redesign the main navigation strip
  • Add and update links on navigation and on the links page

More will probably pop into my head between now and Friday the 19th. So question is, will you be taking part in Bloggiesta?

Mirrored from On The Nightstand.


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