I’m Out Of Lives

Jun 09, 2009 20:16

It seems all I am blogging about here is computer trouble, and neglecting it for everything else. I have been posting somewhat regularly at On The Nightstand though.

This is not me apologising for not blogging, as this post has an actual point to it.

My laptop has used up another life, and it’s choking and gasping and, well, not doing anything, really. And after all of the problems I have had with it, I have finally had enough. Actually I had had enough long before now; it’s just taken me this long to save up enough for the parts to build my own PC. (We have decided to call it Torchwood)

So now I’m looking at Linux installs, since I don’t want to spend 150-200NZD on Windows (XP or Vista) with Windows 7 coming out in October. More specifically I am looking at Ubuntu and its many derivatives. Does anyone have any suggestions versions that would be good for someone who has used Windows most of her life, or ways to make the changeover easier?

Expect a lot of blog posts about my venture into Linux and building a PC in future. But don’t worry - there’s some more writing ones hidden up my sleeve. Especially now that I am working on Lionheart…

Mirrored from Catherine-Haines.com.

technology, personal

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