
Jun 18, 2008 18:17

I’ve reached the point in Ordinary People where I am rather… blah. I picked up a bit when I got to an exciting bit (highlight for spoiler: Daniel getting injured, exposed to sunlight and biting Delia) but sadly that feeling didn’t last. I’m not entirely happy with the latter half of chapter seven, but I am planning on returning to it at a later date.

I’m pretty sure part of it is exam-related stuff. Fortunately I only have one more exam, myth and storytelling on the 21st, and then I have a two week holiday. During that time I plan to get a whole lot more done.

We’re finally starting to get to some more exciting phases in the story as Delia’s birthday is coming up and that means the human heart will be amongst the birthday presents. Am still not quite sure what the card will say. Probably something like, “Stake the heart and hope you die”.

I’ve also been working on developing vampire society, even though the whole thing barely touches Delia in the first book. The vampire “king” of North America (I am not quite sure how far his reach extends) has been coming more and more to life lately, and it will be fun to actually write him in book two High Stakes, because how can you not love a totally mob boss vampire king who is first introduced wearing a “Han Shot First” t-shirt?

So right now, the ideas are flowing, just not in the way I want them to. I’ve definitely figured out the basic concept of book four, which is good. I was worried about what would happen after Bite Club.

I also have far too many ideas to write at one time. I came up with another urban fantasy story, Earth Shakers, which is about the earthquakes in Wellington unleashing some sort of power/monster, but only Tara (a teen girl at Wellington Girls’ College - yay my old school) is able to actually see it. It could be considered an urban fantasy Under The Mountain for older readers, although obviously the plots are not the same.

Originally published at Working Title. You can comment here or there.

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