Good News, Everybody!

Apr 28, 2009 20:14

I have invented a machine that makes you hear the title of this post in the voice of Professor Farnsworth from Futurama.

No, wait. That’s not it.

The good news is that my computer has been resurrected as a zombie. No, not as a vampire, which is a case of being both cursed with awesome and blessed with suck, a zombie. Instead of gaining immortality and superior strength and senses etc. my computer has come back only to slowly rot and fall apart. I have taken to calling my laptop Owen, partially because of the state the computer is in, and also due to the eventual replacement being called Torchwood Three.

Insert your own “turn on Torchwood” jokes here. It’s all right - it’s one of the reasons I chose the name.

Anyway, to celebrate the return of my laptop I have been able to finish the design I started a little while ago. I hope you like it.

And now I can go back to The Superhero Diaries.

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