biking incident

Jun 25, 2009 11:08

im really pissed off with LJ rich text.The thing cant even load, and obviously i cant write.urgh

anyway i think most of you know that i fell off my bike on tuesday around 5 something in the evening. and i think some of you know that my bike does not have any gear which means whenever i have to go slightly uphill i have to stand and cycle.That is when i fall off.I lost my balance after my right paddle broke and fall off on the right side. tried to cover my face but tak sempat. so basically i hit my face right on the road. there are bruises near my right eye and a lil' bit swollen la but nothing much. no big big cuts. minor scrathes on my fingers and knee and some blueblack on my legs and butt. Thanks to my gloves, my palm survived from and injury XD

but the worst off all my back hurts like crazy. It is so pain and i can still feel the pain until today. What im scared off if its run out of alignment or something . Its you know the bone between your butt, yeah thats the part which hurts most. I cant bend my body, i cant even wear my pants properly, when i sit i cant stand and vice versa. I will be waiting for a few days and see how is it and if its still the same i have to go for x-ray. aihh

so what happen to my bike? i threw it off.=D this thing happen like a few times already and i waas lucky nothing happen to me but finally i fell off. and it hurts. so i tell my mum this is what happen when you give a rotten bike. So she say okla i'll buy you a new one..wohoooooo

So meannnnssss...I'LL GET A NEW BIKE FULLY EQUIP WITH GEAR AND PROPER ROAD BIKE HANDLE!!!..wohooo..gosh im so happy..i dont mind of the bike dont have suspension or disc brake, but i really want gears. and a comfortable saddle and paddle. and road bike handle. i cant wait. and im going to buy a proper cycling pants with a helmet. gosh since when i became an avid cyclist??..

ps: rich text is working

edit ps: when i fall, a mak cik and some other guys come and help..but theres this man(din notice his face) he ask me u jatuh sendiri kan?i said ya..then he said ok i nampak u jatuh sendiri, jgn salahkan org lain..i was like whatttttt thhhhee F..but i was concentraating on my bleeding face rather than looking at the guy la so wth la..screw him..stupid ppl


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