Originally published at
CAT HELLISEN. You can comment here or
Tomorrow I am off to Glasgow for the weekend to take part in and enjoy
Satellite 6, Glasgow’s Science Fiction con. There are a host of things happening, but here are the ones where I’ll definitely be present.
Friday 18:30 - 19:30 in Siduri (Main Programme): I’ll be rubbing shoulders with Cameron Johnston and Hal Duncan, and we’ll be reading from our latest works. Cameron’s debut fantays novel is the much-anticipated The Traitor God and Hal will be reading from the upcoming Scruffians novella The Land of Somwhere Safe (I read and loved the first Scruffians, so I’m ascite for both readings.) The wonderful
Neil Williamson will be herding cats and keeping us all in line.
Also I’ve made muffins so if you have a craving for a savoury vegetarian muffin, do come along.
On Saturday there’s loads to do. I’ll definitely be going to Shoreline of Infinity’s Event Horizon
(20:15 - 21:45 in Siduri.)
I try and catch their monthy Edinburgh events, and have discovered wonderful writers and performers through them. The line-up is looking pretty spectactular, with songs and readings and performances from Painted Ocean, Ken McLeod, Neil Williamson, Ruth EJ Booth, EM Faulds, Brian M Milton, Ian Whates and Dave Clements.
However, before that at 17:30 - 18:30 in Siduri , I will be with Ian Whates from
NewCon Press to launch my short story collection
Learning How To Drown. It’s my first short story collection and features all my previously published work plus a handful of new stories. If you can make it, please do. (Alas, no muffins. Just me. And my book. But my book is awesome. So THERE. 😀 )
There will also be a painting up for grabs, if you’re that way inclined. Buy a copy of my book, and I’ll pop your name in a hat. The winner gets this original watercolour and ink I painted for #mermay
Sunday I will be part of a mid morning panel (11:00 - 12:00 in Siduri ) called SUPERHERO WRITERS which promises to be pretty interesting as we talk about trying to survive as a human and writer in this dangerous, expensive world. 😉
The double-life of sci-fi scribes with everyday jobs. Writers at different stages in their careers discuss how to balance writing and making ends meet.
Paul McAuley, Ruth EJ Booth, Neil Williamson (M), Christopher Nuttall, Dave Weaver, Cat Hellisen
(After this I’ll be making a dash to get some skate time at East Kilbride, so if you feel like Not Talking and/or Humaning, do feel free to join me on the ice before I head back for the wind up of Sunday evening.)
If you see me around on the weekend, do come say hi, but please just tell me who you are (twitter names help!) because I have APPALLING memory and facial recognition. (It’s so not you, it’s all me). Looking forward to it, and to seeing old and new faces!