I've had it up to here with ADSL. At short notice, and significant risk to the project I was working on, I took the afternoon off work for Mr. BT engineer to visit. He didn't turn up.
I was livid. I wrote a rant to send to BT. I wrote a rant to post on here. But then realism kicked in. What good would it serve? I deleted them both.
Instead, here are some lyrics that really caught me by surprise this week. I always listened to the track, but I never really listened closely to the words. They've been running through my head all week.
The music is heavenly, and as I decipher the lyrics, the more I understand why. And yet the more I read, the more I know I will never fully comprehend.
Love love is a verb, love is a doing word. Fearless on my breath.
Gentle impulsion shakes me, makes me lighter. Fearless on my breath.
Teardrop on the fire. Fearless on my breath.
Nightlight of ma-deux(?) black flowers blossom. Fearless on my breath.
Black flowers blossom. Fearless on my breath.
Teardrop on the fire. Fearless on my...
Water is my eye, most faithful mirror. Fearless on my breath.
Teardrop on the fire of a confession. Fearless on my breath.
Most faithful mirror. Fearless on my breath.
Teardrop on the fire. Fearless on my breath.
Feels totally in too...(?) Feels totally in too...(?)
These lyrics might be wrong, but they're more accurate than any I found on the net. (I've spent a long time listening).
Liz Fraser of
Cocteau Twins is apparently known for daydreamy lyrics, and occasionally slipping in a little french or the odd nonsense word. But such poetry, and such astounding vocal control!
Much more constructive than ranting at some corporate monopoly thats going to be disbanded once local loop unbundling kicks in next year. Now I need to hunt down some
back catalogues...