Title: Little Forks and Merrythoughts
Author: cathedral carver
Characters/Pairings: John/Sherlock
Word count: 3,100
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me.
Warnings: Spoilers for The Great Game
Summary: This is how it always goes. Mostly.
Make a wish, Sherlock )
he realizes what he should have wished for was for people he cares about to stop bloody leaving. This is incredibly sad to me, especially since he seems more agitated by it than sad.
“But, we’re still here, yes?”
John’s fingers move again, coming to rest on the steady pulse in his neck. This seems to please him. He exhales, too. “We are.” I love this too, because it seems like John is just as concerned about Sherlock leaving him - someone he cares about. <3
“Can you at least pretend to be amused? You’re upsetting Mummy,” he hisses It's like Mycroft is Sherlock without the lacking social skills; I've never really been able to decide what it is that makes them different but so similar.
And so he did.
And then the boy was gone.
Funny how that kept happening. This is terribly heartbreaking for me.
John’s uneven breathing.
John’s frightened eyes.
John’s trembling fingers, stained with blood, Sherlock’s blood, his blood.
John’s bruised, exposed heart. This is beautiful and simple and I love that.
Oh, this is just so beautiful. <3
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