Excessive Vomiting

Feb 14, 2011 21:31

I looked in the archives and couldn't see that this has been addressed recently, sorry if it's a common question somehow ( Read more... )


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talonvaki February 15 2011, 14:50:31 UTC
See this handsome guy in my icon? He lived to be 15 and he regurgitated/barfed his entire life, no joke. He was completely checked out, and he was healthy. He just barfed all the time. And, oh, how he barfed! He'd throw up down the sides of bookcases, into lamps, on my bed, on his own bed, into the heating duct...pretty much wherever he happened to be at the time, he'd just lean over and start yakking.

The best theory anyone ever came up with was that he ate his food too fast and wanted to look at it again to see what it was.

But I'll tell you, it finely tuned my ear to the sound of a cat barfing. If anyone ever makes an alarm clock that makes that sound...it would wake me up!


fuzzyfostermom February 15 2011, 22:00:02 UTC
That is a very gorgeous guy in your icon!

I know what you mean about the sound of barfing. My cat, happily, doesn't do it too much, but the sound of horking will wake me out of a sound sleep to grab him and put him on the linoleum instead of the carpet!


talonvaki February 15 2011, 23:35:26 UTC
Yeah...to this day I have hardwood floors. 90% floor...and they have to barf on the 10% that isn't easy to clean!


juliekaye February 16 2011, 01:39:13 UTC
pretty much wherever he happened to be at the time, he'd just lean over and start yakking.

Sounds like my Jade. Once she was sound asleep and then suddenly opened her eyes and her mouth opened and out it spewed. She never moved or even made a sound! It freaked me out. lol

And sometimes, I swear, I think she considers it her way of marking her territory. lol She has thrown up in all sorts of different places. And not only that, half the time she feels the need to barf where she's laying, tear through the apartment into the hallway, barf there, tear into the bedroom, barf there, tear back through to the living room, barf AGAIN, and then go sit in the kitchen. While I stand there about ready to scream "WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST GO TO THE KITCHEN IN THE FIRST PLACE??!?!?!" \

And then she wants food. Yeah, like that's gonna happen. *g*


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fuzzyfostermom February 16 2011, 03:36:21 UTC
*giggle* When Mus (see icon) was a youngster, he had a sebaceous cyst removed, and he wouldn't leave the two whole stitches alone. Rather than use the Cone of Shame, I put him into a dog sweater. He pretended he couldn't walk in it, pulled himself up on the bed by his front claws, oh the drama. "And how did you get up on the dresser, then?" asks I.

Anyway, after the incision had healed and it was almost time to stop using the sweater, Mus started to protest it by barfing when I tried to put it on him.

He won. But then, he nearly always wins. 6.5 pounds of cat and I'm completely dominated.


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