You are: Matt - The Traveler
After leaving Gobo his maps and the only copy of
his book "History of the Universe, Part
1," Traveling Matt Fraggle left Fraggle
Rock to explore Outer Space. It took him no
time at all to make his first discovery - the
world "out there" is inhibited
primarily by Silly Creatures, multi-sized, two
legged beings with bizarre habits. For
instance, by holding an upside-down bowl on a
stick, these creatures can make water pour from
the sky. Also, they entertain themselves by
watching flat Silly Creatures who live inside a
box; they feed round, shiny objects to the
Pavement Creatures who are rooted to the
ground; and they unquestioningly obey the magic
Beast with Three Eyes, one red, one yellow and
one green.
Uncle Matt records his discoveries on postcards
which he sends back to his nephew, Gobo. Gobo
considers these postcards to be scientific
documents. His friends, particularly Red,
consider them to be hooey. Nevertheless, Matt
feels he is doing Fraggledom a great service,
and he will continue to do so until he can find
his way back home.
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