First exam - report!

Jan 06, 2007 16:54

It was annoying and it is over...the end! Following a not entirely uneventful journey home yesterday (whcih included some ass-hole turning their main beam lights on directly behind me because clearly 80mph on the A30 wasn't fast enough!!!) GAAH! *Ehem* I am now back home and very industriously have spent about 5 hours revising (with breaks of course!) *nods*. However I must be honest and will say that it was only because it was raining all day and I couldn't ride - by rain I mean cats and dogs rain, just drizzle would've been fine!

So tommorrow out I shall go in the morning and then come back to another 4/5 hours Equine Performance revision. It's only an hour exam for heavens sake and yet they expect us to know so much - including references! Pain and agony! WOAH is me! *sulk*

On  the bright side I managed somehow to get 78% for my Marketing assignment - Woot! Which together with 65% for Equine Performance is keeping my 70% average reasonably cosy though I would prefer a larger margin for cocking up to be present.....this is me after all! Soon I shall upload some stunning Meldon pics and awesomely cute pony pics - watch this LJ.....

*Pause for thought* How can I revise this much and NOT KNOW ANY OF IT! *Wails*?
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