it's been awhile (part 2)

Jan 14, 2005 15:20

To continue my post from yesterday...

Sunday - The most notable part of Sunday was meeting Jeff's extended family. It's HUGE! I couldn't believe how many relatives that boy has. It was his grandmother's birthday, so there was a big birthday party at her church for her. It was a little overwhelming, I'm not used to being at family-type functions with so much family. But his relatives are nice people, and I'll remember at least some of their names next time. After that, Jeff took me on a little driving tour of where he grew up and all that good stuff. We hung out playing Amplitude and surfing the web that night, just nice and calm.

Monday - I left to go home around 1:30... not before Jeff took me to the supermarket to get some A-Treat soda to bring home. The cream soda and grapefruit soda are the BEST! Got caught in some traffic coming through Staten Island and Brooklyn, not so bad though. I got home around 5:00, which left me plenty of time to prepare for my FIRST DAY OF WORK!

(how's that for a smooth segue?)

The Job
So far, the job's going pretty well. It's nice being on a regular, 9-5:30 schedule. I feel like I have more free time now than I did working retail, because I don't sleep all day, wake up in time for work, get home, go back to sleep, repeat. I end up having like 6 hours from when I get home from work till I go to bed, which is fabulous.

The actual *job* part of the job is ok. I can't say I'm crazy about ASP at all, but it's useful to learn, I guess. If nothing else, it serves to remind me how much nicer Perl is for server-side programming. But the experience of working side-by-side with designers and taking their vision and making it happen as best I can is pretty cool.

The Boy
Things with Jeff are good. Really good. Great, in fact. The only bad thing is the distance, but we're managing pretty well. It helps immensely having high-speed intarweb at home, because even though we're apart, we still talk online for a few hours a day. My friends have all said that they've never seen me so happy with someone before. It's really refreshing being with someone who's smart, mature, sweet, and fun, all in one package.

Current Happenings
Well, it's Friday afternoon. And Mark's coming down to hang out for the weekend! We're going into NYC tonight to see Freezepop! *dances* I'm super-excited, I've been dying to see them again. Tomorrow we'll prolly hit up Ikea and just generally make some trouble around LI, because it seems like a good idea. Sucks that there aren't any Price Choppers around here. I'm sure we'll still find lots of fun. Ikea's a half-day adventure as it is, and there's always Amplitude. I'm totally psyched!

Ok, back to work for me.. except not really, cause I'm done with my current tasks. So back to surfing the web until a)Mark gets here, or b)I'm given something else to do.

work, weekend, relationships

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