May 01, 2005 12:15

or as me..
get ethernet broadband
modems are oldschool.. :P
you have broadband without a modem?
how does THAT work?
I got a tp connection in the wall?
network connection
a cat5
from my computer.. to my crappy switch..
from the switch to the wall..
from the wall to cisco in the basement..
i REALLY doubt the broadband internet company sends cat5 from there to your apt.
do I care? no
that's how it is.
normal ethernet connection..
well instead of saying "cat5 normal ethernet" maybe you shoulda said "t1" or whatever it is
with cat5 i mean..
it's a cat5 cable.
maybe not it's max speed
now do you know how the internet gets from the provider to the cisco router?
it's more than t1
what is it?
Z3l3zT: so you dont actually know what connection you have then
euhm.. yes? and I've said it a lot of times?
FBH: like I said.. all switches got gigabit links.. I got gigabit all the way to the switch in the basement (which is operated by my ISP of course) .. and it's set to give me 10mbit full duplex.
what speed is from the isp to the switch in the basement?
still a gigabit link
man that must cost ya a forutne
what do you pay? 1000/mo?
nobody gets gigabit internet for 45 bucks
I don't have gigabit
you just said you did
i have 10mbit.. for the.. euhm.. 10th time..
theres TWO connections
one from your isp, and one to your apt
i only want to know ONE of them.
i think i best be askin somebody else when i need networking help
internet -- [isp] -- gigalink -- [basement router] -- 10mbit -- [apartment]
you said it was a switch?
oh right!
cuz they are the same thing...
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