May 03, 2004 17:37
who wants to hear about the most boring day of work EVER?
I formatted TWO computers. 4 hours each.
Whyd it take so long?
one was 10GB on a 600Mhz and the other was a 4GB on a 450Mhz
Installing win2k on both.
He just wanted me to be a lurker, and get used to the people and the environment and listen to them talk about the systems and how they work Its cool cuz its a brand new company... and they are really disorganized... so right now its all half assed
Usernames are just whatever... computer names are just whatever. Once the IT dept and the servers all get moved into their new location in the building, its gonna kickass setting it all up =] Once its all organized with proper usernames and such... it will be really nice. Their whole automation system is being written by the other IT guy that sits across from me
So yeah, its a cool place. I like it there. The guys i work with, especially the boss, are REALLY sarcastic... theyre hillarious.
I told them about the whole walmart thing, and he was like THATS BULLSHIT! hehehe
Im actually for the first time EVER looking forward to going to work again.