Jul 23, 2007 02:09
Ray Brower's body was found. But neither our gang nor their gang got the credit. In the end we decided that an anonymous phone-call was the best thing to do. We headed home. And although many thoughts raced through our minds we barely spoke. We walked through the night and made it back to Castle Rock a little past five o'clock on Sunday morning, the day before Labor Day. We'd only been gone two days. But somehow the town seemed different. Smaller.
As time went on we saw less and less of Teddy and Vern until eventually they became just two more faces in the halls. That happens sometimes. Friends come in and out of your life like busboys in a restaurant. I heard that Vern got married out of High-school, had four kids and is now the forklift operator at the Arsenal Lumberyard. Teddy tried several times to get into the Army but his eyes and his ear kept him out. The last I heard, he'd spent some time in jail. He was now doing odd jobs around Castle Rock.
Chris did get out. He enrolled in the College-courses with me. And although it was hard he gutted it out like he always did. He went on to College and eventually became a lawyer. Last week he entered a fast food restaurant. Just ahead of him, two men got into an argument. One of them pulled a knife. Chris who would always make the best peace tried to break it up. He was stabbed in the throat. He died almost instantly. Although I haven't seen him in more than ten years I know I'll miss him forever. I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anybody?
i sit here at two o clock in the morning, in a very chill place. not cold mind you, and not really a place so much mood. alot of things are going down right now, and alot more things are about to be going down, and now seemed a good time to update the peeps on the life o' mike.
i quit boba cafe. it is now run by some doctor guy. i am not quite sure qhy i disliked him so much, but something did not bode well. i think that he was a very fake person. two faced. i dont like that very much. not to mention that the new paint job makes me want to vomit. so i worked there long enough to pay off my rent until school started, and then i put in my two weeks notice, (well....three weeks, but who is counting?)
i have been playing alot of xbox360 lately. i was incredibly proud of scoring 1.5 million in geometry wars, but thanks to the gift of online access on the xbox360, i found out that the leader in scoring has scored 400 million points, and that nationally speaking, i am in about 17000th place. still, scoring a million is hella cool. i have also been playing the original doom. ten points for nostalgia purposes. i have been kinda taking it easy on the dead rising, but scopes is making up for that by playing almost non stop, he almost has all of the achievements done. that is really hard to do.
school starts in less than a month, and i cannot wait. i have loads of finacial aid money coming, which should buy me a hella cool scooter, but i am mostly lookin foward to going somewhere that make it seem as though i am going somewhere in life. i could easily see how one could get stuck in las cruces in some dead end job, like boba's. complacency is indeed a thing to be feared, sometimes. the punishment is that you wake up at the age of 50 and realized that you havent done anything because you have been stuck in a lame job in a lame town. when i go to school, it makes me think that i dont have to worry about that happeneing to me.
well, there is another reason that i dont have to worry about that. mae. she keeps me on a road that i should be on. even though i dont always listen to her, and even though i dont always want to do what she says, i find myself very motivated to move foward, for no other reason than for her. we found a person to marry us last friday. pastor joe. you could ask, but i could not tell you his last name. we asked if he would marry us, and his reply was "far out!" how could we not like a guy like that?
i am kinda concerned about this wedding business though. not about the usual things. but rather who i am going to invite to the wedding. i want it to be a small ceremony, but i have too many friends for that sort of thing to be possible. we both have huge families. so what is there to do? get married in the park and have a bbq with all of my favorite people and family... and i guess mae can come too.
we leave on our vacation in two short days. that is amazingly cool. i am flat broke for the trip, but i get to see dallas and my uncle, and i get to spend a week straight with mae, and also an azn many of us know. we get to go see the otters too. otters are damn cool, if i do say so.
well, i feel as though i have rambled on enough for one night, but when you do not update often, sometimes you just gotta try and get it all out at once. right?