So John the Baptist has always been one of my favorites along with St. Sebastian. I don't know, just somethign about the crazy desert preacher has always intrigued me. Next to Jesus he was the most scruffy and way out there of all of them. But now, thanks to Ghiberti, I am really in love...could this be idolatry? No i think it's just darn good art combined with a school girl crush.
on another non art history related note....
I BOUGHT A WEDDING DRESS!!! so Stefan better marry me soon, or at least cut me loose so i can find a man who will marry me beofre i get to fat to fit into the dress :) also bridesmaids dresses are picked out
on a non wedding related note...
mass art is making me sweat with nerves. my friend joe is gonna bring me in to talk to some woman/ ask questions. It's frustrating when everyone says that i should have no problem getting in because i swear there is a curse on my name...haha a curse on my house. the plan is to hit the mfa and massart all in one day. crazy break
on a random note...
i was takign a shower this morning and a huge spider lunged out at me when i went to grab the soap. it was terrifying and i may have screamed a little, alarming my roommate ian and his visiting guest. (lots of Ians lately- another side note)