Mar 21, 2009 12:09
I so wish that I had the time right now to express how I am feeling regarding the FINALE of Battlestar Galactica last night. I am waiting for Sarah to come and we're heading up to Walnut Creek for the week ... so obviously time is limited.
Without going into my massive spoilery spaz-fest (which believe me, IT'S COMING) - I just have to say how immensely happy I am. This show. THIS SHOW. It's just ... there will never be another one like it. I wept with them, I felt their joys and their sorrows and it sounds so silly to say about a fictional show. About people who aren't even real, but never before has a show touched my heart the way Battlestar Galactica has. I found myself dreading the finale, not only because it was the end (though thank Gods that we get The Plan, lol Black Leather!Six? really?) - but because I was terrified I was going to be crushed in the end. I was so sure that all of my favorites would die, or my love-fest OTP's of all time would just crash and burn. I was so scared that I was going to hate the writers for screwing us out of something. Because in all honesty, doesn't that always happen on some level? You can hope for the best and have faith in the writers and cast, but rare is it that that kind of trust pays off.
Battlestar Galactica. You've done it. You've made the most incredible show that has ever graced the airwaves. There's not going to be another one like it. I will miss it, which sounds so weird to say for a show, but I don't think one has impacted me so much before. To a flawless finale, and here's hoping that The Plan lessens the sting a bit, huh?