Jan 17, 2009 02:08

To be honest ... I've watched it twice already, and I still am just so frakkin floored. There is just too much going on in my head to sort it all out, tbh.

#1 - WHAT THE HELL IS KARA?! I really honestly expected to get an answer or two, but I find myself more confused ... and I am LOVING it. I really did not expect Leoben to be so freaked out. It was kind of a role reversal there. Her burning her own body? Holy shit. I AM SO CONFUSED. OMGAWD.

#2 - I loved seeing the flashback(s), but oh how I wish I'd seen Anders playing the guitar in a flashback, you bitches. I'd honestly love an entire episode of flashback like that, but with such limited time left, I'm doubtful it will happen, or even if I want them to spend so much time on that. Maybe that is what the movie is about? I am honestly wondering that if the 13th tribe was actually cylons, if it was the humans who nuked the planet? Chew on that brainthought?

#3 - I do not miss Dee. My friends and I may have actually high-fived when the shock was over. Sorry but I HATED DEE!! Almost as much as I hate Tory. I hated how much time they were spending on her, and then when she and Lee were walking down to her quarters we were all like ......OMFG SHE IS GOING TO DIE! OMG. It was kind of a beautiful and sad death.
Oh and Dad. Keeping booze in the morgue. You morbid sonofabitch.

#4 - Ellen Tigh. Did. Not. See. That. Coming. At all. Which is why I am SO okay with it. I was like WHATTTT?!?!? And the whole "reborn" thing. It just sounded different to me than a Cylon resurrection. I am honestly wondering if when the more primitive cylons are reborn, if they are actually born. And yes, I did have the really creepy icky BLAH thought that what if Caprica-Six is in fact carrying a cylon that is a rebirth of someone who had lived on Earth. (I STILL DON'T LIKE TO THINK ABOUT HER AND TIGH OKAY?! SHE BELONGS WITH GAIUS ... or ANDERS [let me dream, K?]) It just seems like there is this huge gap between the cylons that exist now, and the ones that did. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON.

#5 - Gaius. Oh, my dear sweet Gaius who did not get used enough in this damn episode. WELCOME BACK TO YOUR LAB COAT AND GLASSES. God, that is the Gaius that I love. You know we were talking about it tonight, and I really think that Gaius is my favorite. I mean, obviously, Caprica is my favorite. And Anders is the hottest, but Gaius I just ... I have nothing but awe for that man. What I love the most about him is that he does what EVERYONE would want to do in those situations. Cower in the corner and run for your life. The character is just so brilliantly written/played that I just can't help but love it so so much. I however, am in DESPERATE withdrawl for a Caprica-Six/Gaius scene. DAMN YOU PEOPLE. GIVE ME WHAT I WANT. I actually know it's coming though, from what Tricia said at Comic Con <33

#6 - Lee? I love you bb, but you have the girliest hands I have ever seen. When he was standing over Dee's body and it only showed his hand, we were all like "Is that Laura? But why does she have a wedding ring on?" LOL OH LEE. I loved the scene with him and Kara, and she's like "LEE. OMG. YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THE DAY I HAD." we were laughing so hard the second time around.

#7 - Um. SO. Since when did Saul Tigh and Deanna become besties? Just y'know, throwing that out there.

Is that it? probably not. I'm going to the FRAK party tomorrow (I was supposed to go tonight, but watching at work with the old buddies and getting a little pilot called ... oh crap ... what was it? yeah, that would be CAPRICA. omfg. Dying now, kthx.) won out.

Not enough Six. Not enough Gaius. Not enough Anders. That's about all I've got.

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