Apr 13, 2008 12:55
Yesterday I went to the Creation Entertainment Convention, which featured Aaron Ashmore, Phil Morris, Laura Vandervoort, and oh yes, ERICA DURANCE. I was buzzing with excitement. She was finally in CA (literally 10 minutes from my apartment), and I was finally in town when she was here. Never mind that totally got sick the NIGHT before, I was not going to let that stop me from going. GAH. Back off, universe.
So I am going to start with all the Smallville/Erica Durance stuff, because i am OMG HOLY SICK and I can barely stop the room from spinning, lol.
So the first thing I really got there for was the David Palffy Q&A. He is FUNNY! I wasn't aware how hilarious he was, but he was great. He was having very few questions, so I got up to ask him one, even though I haven't really seen...anything with him in it lol. I asked him if there was any show on the air right now that he would love to be a part of. He said "Well...kind of the obvious answer, Smallville. Anybody know why?!" and he said he would be Lex's older, cooler, more evil brother.
So we all hung out in the auditorium for a long while, just watching the panels (with Grace Park, who I will add in later), and just hanging out. I went out a few times cause as I was spending 80% of my time drinking water and sucking on cough drops, I spent like, half the day in the bathroom LOL (why this is relevant, I will tell you later).
So I went out and bought a couple of photos and as I was buying a shot glass (the FRAK one), when the doors behind me opened, I didn't think all that much on it until the person I had just given my money to said something about 'someone from smallville.' so I picked up my glass and headed back toward the auditorium...oh, and I was about a foot behind Erica and David. Part of me wanted to say something, but I decided against it for the time being because I didn't want to be *that* fan that stops them and causes a big commotion for them. So instead, I just walked behind them on my way back to the room.
When 4 o'clock rolled around, we went to get in line for our pictures with Erica *whee*. I was actually kind of nervous/excited, which is rare for me to be *that* fluttery about it, but OMG i love her so much. When it got to be my turn, she grinned at me and was like "what's your name?" I told her and she was like "DAPHNE?! That. is a beautiful name!" I was all 'aww thank you!' and she was all gushy about it. It made me feel very very happy. Tiffany had to get her picture taken like six times because the guy kept messing up on it LOL.
Later came the panel, and omg I was so excited. I went up with Lee Ann to ask a question, but I wasn't entirely sure what I'd ask just yet. I was about mmm maybe 8th in line, so I had time. It was nice to be right up at the front when in line to ask a question. They talked about the changes coming up, and all of their experiences in getting onto the show. I think every one of them likened it to coming to a new school where everyone was awesome. LOL. Laura mentioned how Erica was pretty much the coolest, best person she'd ever met.
Now let me see if I can quote myself correctly. I believe the question I asked was "you guys have touched on being such iconic comic book characters, and I'm wondering what you guys might want to see your characters do, or what experiences you would like them to have. Like, I think everyone and their mother is waiting for Clark to wake up and see what is right in front of him with Lois." At this point, Erica FLAILS her arms and is like "I TOLD YOU HE WAS SLOW, RIGHT?! SERIOUSLY!" hahaha at this point, I just love her a little more. Aaron said that he would love more reporting and sleuthing with Lois, at which point Erica jumped out of her chair, ran over to his, and high-fived him. Phil said he'd love to see more of John mentoring Clark, etc. Erica touched on the Clark/Lois relationship, but mainly said more banter and such with them. Laura tied up the question with saying how Kara has seemed to find her place on Earth, and just more dealing with that, etc.
Lee Ann asked about pranks on the set, and Laura said that during this past episode that Tom directed, there was something she was supposed to react to, some explosion on herself. She said the first take they told her she would be reacting on 'one two three BANG' and she anticipated it way too much. So Tom apparently told the crew that they would be going on 'one, BANG' and it scared the holy crap out of her. She said "yeah I had a GESTURE for them after that." They all mentioned how crazy Michael is (in the best possible way) and how much trouble he causes (again, in a good way). Erica said in an upcoming episode (the same one tom was directing) she was "snooping" and peeking into a window at something 'naughty', of Tom, I think she said? And then on one take when she looked in, another crew member JUMPED at her and "got" her, which so she says, she is very hard to "get."
Someone asked all of them getting more episodes in the next season, and Erica said she definitely wants to do more. She also said that the whole Clark becoming Superman all depends on "the executive producers convincing tom welling to put on the blue suit." Laura then added "They're trying. I actually asked him if he wanted to try on my suit. He said no." I have a short video of that answer:
After the panel I went to the bathroom, and who should get in line behind me? Oh, Erica and Laura. We talked for like half a minute and Erica was like "I think everyone was holding it through the panel." LOL So I went in and whatevs, and when I'm getting out of the stall Erica is right next to me and we almost run into each other LOL. We went to the sinks and both had like, the exact same reaction, because the water was HOT. She was like "geeez! scalded my hands!" I was all "I know! they should really warn you." And she laughed and gave me a little wave before she went back with Laura to the green room.
So I waited around for, no lie, 2 1/2 hours before my number group was called for autographs. Now those who know me know that I really don't like to get autographs, it feels weird, but hey, I really wanted more face time. LOL. I got up to Erica and she was all beaming, which she'd been signing for over two hours, and she kept so happy. I had two things for her to sign (since Tiffany had to leave early) and I was like "this is for my friend because she had to leave early." And she gives me this adorable look and was like. "Look at you, you're good people." and I kind of laughed and said her name was Tiffany "like the jewelry store." and she was like "HAH! thanks!" and signed it. I leaned over and I was like "I just have to tell you. Lois Lane has been my favorite fictional character since I was five...and I am not just saying this because you're here, you are by far my absolute favorite." And she kind of clutched her heart and was so genuine in saying "that is so incredibly sweet of you. That means a lot to me, thank you." And then I said in kind of a low voice "I'm not gonna lie, I didn't even watch it until you came on it." Erica laughed and kind of shielded her mouth and whispered 'THANKS!' I laughed and said 'seriously, I tried to watch season one, but it was just way too weird for me to watch clark without his lois." And she got this cute look on her face and said "well I am glad to have turned you into a fan." And I said "oh, without question." and then she made a FIST to do the 'pound it', and when I did it, we kind of missed and we both laughed and I was like "wow, that was really lame." and she said "it was totally me. I have NO hand/eye coordination. Let me try it again." Then she *actually* fist-bumped me. LOL she and I just kept giggling over that like dorks.
So she asked me how to spell my name and I was told her "daphne...d---" and she just shook her head and was like "GUH your name is SO beautiful I love it." I was all blushing and I was like "well THANKS!" I said "I'm not even named after scooby doo or anything." and she laughed and wrinkled her nose at me and said "oh no, clearly something much classier than scooby doo." I thanked her for everything and wished her the best, and told her it was great to meet her, and she made this adorable 'awww' face and said "it was a pleasure meeting you daphne." then I had to get out of the way so other people could meet her and talk to her (boo on other people :p)
So that. Was the extent of my Missy Durance experience. Well then I saw her leaving the green room to go out of the hotel, but I figured it bad taste to shout bye to her or something LOL. GAH I thought I loved her before, now? tenfold, my friends.
[I'll edit in pictures and stuff when I get them from the place and scan them! They didn't allow pictures in the autograph line, so I don't have very many good pictures of my own.]