"bien que mon amour soit fou,
ma raison calme les trop vives douleurs
de mon coeur en lui disant de patienter
et d'espérer toujours"
-circa 1960
the minds of mad people are so incredibly exciting to study;
its just so fascinating how completely similar our thoughts are,
and how the difference between madness and sanity
lies only in the varying degrees of intensity of any one basic thought.
last week however, i was reading 'Perfume: Story of a Murderer' by Patrick Süskind
which dealt with madness and megalomania of a completely...inhuman, un-human kind.
not that the tragic protagonist wasn't human,
because he was, at least, in the physical sense of the word.
but ... remember our sources of knowledge?
how knowledge is created through the interaction of our sensory faculties with the world,
and how it gets increasingly more complex because of the interplay of the various facets
of sense perception?
so wouldnt it be interesting how a person with a defunct sense organ,
or whose six senses do not work normally, construct knowledge?
Süskind proposes that the paradigm, belief system, of such a person
can indeed be so radically different that the way he perceives the world
can be one that defies convention and escapes comprehension even.
a grotesque summary of the novel-
murderer with heightened sense of smell
kills women to use their scents to manufacture
a kind of perfume that he wants to use on himself,
initially for the adoration and worship of others.
then he realised he didnt want their love,
he wanted their hatred because hatred was all he knew.
so he emptied the entire concoction on himself
at a graveyard in Paris
and all the homeless convicts etc latched themselves onto him
and ate him. because they all wanted a piece of him, literally.
i feel so completely liberateeeeddd!!
omgggg! first day of my new job!
i cant believe how short the official working hours are
im so incredibly jealous please!!
and i feel so gleeful cause for the first time evaaarrrrr,
school is only a 15mins bus ride away!
you cannot begin to understand how completely refreshing
this is unless you live all the way down here.
PLUS! i cannot remember the last time i actually
had the luxury to leave by 2pm.
so effectively, ive more time to sleep and relax,
more time to work on those design projects,
more time to read in comfort instead of on board the
more time to catch up with friends AND still be home for dinner,
and getting so much closer to my dream school-bag
than i ever could before!!
why have i submitted myself to such torture for the past 2 months.
see la, this is what becomes of you if you dont take risks.
you'll start to settle in some rigorous routine,
and delude yourself into getting comfortable with it,
thinking its the best you can do,
when you can do so much better out there.
hence, the need to get out of your comfort zone.
because you'll never get to anywhere else unless you move, right.
Loulou de la Falaise's apartment
saturday was so draining in a really really good way.
was so bewildered, excited and nervous all at once -
somehow i got through to the first wave.
and i really dont know how, cause the girl next to me
was so depressingly flawless i thought for sure
she was gonna get chosen.
she's the kind that never screws up
while im just mad inconsistent.
bboy later on at night for funnnn and where i manged to bruise both knees
so i couldnt wear shorts/skirts out for 2days.
attempted to do things i didnt know i could do hahaha
but hopefully idk, i'll be able to somedaaaay
im just so mad jealous of how everyone's progressing so fast...
i want to improve fast fast also!!
owell, and sigh, as for Friday and Sunday,
i think im somewhere between mediocre and a disappointment.
so despite what i would prefer, im back to drawing a blank.
or i should be at least. but im gonna stall for awhile and not worry prematurely.
yesterday was my last day of work
and i managed to finally collate all my endless little post-its-booklists
(where i just went around like a scavenger for new books to read
and scribbling them down on post-its)
and now all i need is to find them! (:
alright, time for a nap! its been a while since ive last had one sighhhhh
life is good to me (: