woe, irritation and frustration.

May 09, 2003 11:41

so, update:
yesterday i went for my MRI scan and totally freaked out and started screaming for them to get me out the tube. i hated it with a passion! It was the scariest thing in the world. it was like being stuck in a coffin. :shudder: So, took the afternoon off cos i felt a bit dodgy. But, fuck it, i leave ireland in about 6 weeks anyway.
So, got home and had a nap, and then logged on to find that Sara is sick and Rob is about to committ murder!
HUgs to you both.
Costas is bugging me sooooo much today but that is probably cos i am tense. He just does not get the simple concept of personal space! :mad:
waiting for news of sara (hoping she is okay). the trip is not important. i just want her to be okay.
so, also, when i was in england a friend of the family died. it was a lady who used to look after us when my dad was away and lived next door to us. My dad called yesterday to say that her funeral went okay but that he was sad, as expected. Poor thing.
I left Ian's bag in the back of a taxi on Friday night and it had his footy stuff in it and his CD walkman so he is not happy about that.
Oh, he is doing it again!!!!!. He gets up to go to the water cooler, and walks back over to his desk sipping it, then gets half way and goes back to re-fill. Repeat twice and tehn return to desk. He does it every time!!!!
so, anyway Buffy and Angel.
Buffy - why is Spike so important to her? I dont get it. She was all "Kill anyone that comes near Dawn" at the end of S5 and then end of S6 she was "i want to teach you and show you ". Blah blah blah. She has barely gone near her all season, much preferring the company of Spike. I hate Spuffy anyway. I liked that there was a bit of Old Spike in the episode but other than that, blech. What is her problem with Giles???? He is her Watcher! I think he is being a bit strange anyway. Is this show been re-named 'Spike: the lame-ass Fool'? Why is it the last season and all we get is Spike and Wood? Surely we should concentrate on the original scoobs?
Agggghghhhhhh, bastards. It is so frustrating.

Angel - What was the Connor bit 'You dont like me'? What a puff! Thank God they have finally discovered that Corny is evvvil. Well, what genius???!!! I would never have guessed. And double-chin tastic! Gwen/Gunn was cool, if not a little OT, but a nice distraction from the ConCord. Sick, sick, sick! Anyway, at least angel is interesting and next weeks should be good. :hopes:

So, rant over.
OT - so just a side-bar. I am listening to fix-it Friday and the are giving out the strangest facts.
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