FF: Reaching Out - Chapter 24

Feb 21, 2009 16:15

Disclaimer: CSI belongs to CBS and Jerry Bruckheimer. Megan, Sam, Nate, Paula and Magda are mine though ^_^
A/N: An extra long chapter as we’re reaching the end of this story.

Chapter 24

Catherine used her bodyweight to keep Sara pinned to the bed as she slipped her hand between their bodies. She cupped the brunette’s nipple, earning her a loud moan. “You feel so good, baby,” the strawberry blonde whispered against Sara’s lips before kissing her hard and demanding.

She parted Sara’s legs, slipping her thigh between them. Slowly, she started pushing her thigh into the brunette’s hot center. Sara groaned as she felt two fingers circling her throbbing clit. She could feel that she was going to fall off the edge of orgasmic bliss, but just before she actually fell, Catherine pulled her fingers and leg away, an evil smirk on her face.

“Okay, if we don’t go for that bath now we’ll miss our flight,” Catherine quipped as she got out of bed, leaving a frustrated Sara behind.

“Evil woman.” Sara growled before she got out of bed as well and walked into the bathroom.


Megan felt like a cripple, the way Lindsey had to help her around, but the look of love in the young Willows’ eyes definitely made that feeling vanish quickly.

“Magda will be here any minute,” Lindsey said as she tried to tie her shoe with one hand. The blonde couldn’t wait till the end of next week, when the cast around her left hand and wrist would be removed. When the shoelaces slipped through her fingers for the tenth time, Lindsey kicked off her shoes. “Screw shoes. Baby, where are your flip flops?”

Megan tried to hide a smirk. Lindsey looked so sexy when she was a little frustrated. “They’re right here,” she replied as she wriggled her toes.

Lindsey walked over to where the curly-haired brunette was sitting. Kneeling down in front of her, she said, “I’m confiscating these for today, Miss Sidle.” She quickly snatched the flip flops from Megan’s feet.

Megan raised an eyebrow in surprise. “And what am I supposed to wear?”

“Those cute, fluffy bunny slippers,” Lindsey replied with a smile. She got up and stole a quick kiss from Megan’s lips.

“I’m not gonna walk on thos-“ Megan started but was soon interrupted by the blonde. “Who said anything about walking? Sam hasn’t brought that wheelchair just for decoration,” Lindsey quipped before vanishing into the direction of their bedroom.

“I can walk fine,” Megan said, raising her chin defiantly as she flexed her legs to prove her point.

“Yeah, sure you can wobble around. Those few steps around the apartment…” Lindsey walked back into the living room area, the bunny slippers in her hands.

There was a knock at the door. “Megan? Lindsey?” came Magda’s voice from the other side of the door.

“Come on, baby,” the blonde started as she slipped the fluffy bunnies onto Megan’s feet and pulled the wheelchair up next to the couch. “Let’s roll.”

The curly-haired brunette growled at Lindsey’s attempt of humor. “I don’t need the wheelchair,” she tried again as she watched Lindsey open the door and let Magda enter.

“You two ready?” the Latina said as she walked over to where Megan was seated. “Need some help?” she added as she pointed to the wheelchair.

“I can manage,” Megan said as she struggled to get the wheelchair close enough.

“Learn to accept help, Megan,” Magda said seriously as she helped the younger woman into the wheelchair. “It’s only for a few days then you won’t need this anymore,” she added as she started to push the wheelchair.

Megan sighed. They were all teaming up on her.


“United Airlines flight 454 boarding now,” a voice called over the intercom.

“That’s us,” Sara said as she stood up and stepped closer to her niece. “Take care of yourself, okay? And of Lindsey. Don’t be too stubborn. I know it’s a family trait, but I’ve learned it’s sometimes better to let it all go.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Megan saluted. “We’re still on for Thanksgiving?”

“Absolutely!” Sara replied as she hugged her niece. “We’ll make it one big family get-together.”

Catherine wrapped her arms around her daughter. Hugging her tightly, she whispered in Lindsey’s ear, “Please let me know how you’re doing every now and then, okay?”

“Of course, Mom,” Lindsey replied. As she leaned back, she locked eyes with her mother. “I’m not running anymore. I’ve found what I’ve been looking for,” the young woman said as she glanced at Megan, then pulled her mother close.

“Me too, sweetie,” Catherine said as she looked over her daughter’s shoulder and met Sara’s eyes. “Me too.” She placed a kiss atop her daughter’s head. “I’ll give you a call when we’re back home.”

Lindsey nodded.

Catherine then moved to Sam. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us,” she said as she hugged the paramedic. “I don’t know how we would’ve gotten through this without your help.”

“Don’t mention it,” Sam said, almost looking a bit embarrassed.

“Will you again pass on our thanks to Nate and Paula?” Sara asked as she shook Sam’s hand.

“Will do,” Sam replied, nodding.

Sara stepped over to the Latina and held out her hand. “Magda, thank you.” But instead of taking the offered hand, Magda pulled the tall brunette in for a hug. “Don’t worry too much about the young ones. We’ll keep an eye on them,” she said before pecking Sara’s cheek.

Sara had the grace to blush, quickly looking at Sam, then back at Magda. “I really hope you two work things out. You make a great couple.”

“Last call, passengers for flight 454 of United Airlines, please board now.”

After Catherine gave Magda a quick hug, Sara took the strawberry blonde’s hand. “Let’s go.” They waved a few more times to their family, then vanished from their sight.

“Do you girls want to stick around here some more, or do you want to go home?” Sam asked as Megan pulled a softly sniffling Lindsey onto her lap.

“Let’s go home,” the curly-haired brunette said. Megan wrapped her arms around her girlfriend as Sam started to push the wheelchair, Magda following them out of the hall.


On the way back from the airport traffic was a little lighter than earlier that morning. The four of them were talking about work, about their plans for the future. Megan told the others she was going to pick up her Physics study again next Monday.

Lindsey took Megan’s hand and entwined their fingers. “Are you sure you’re up for that?” she asked as she locked eyes with her girlfriend.

Megan nodded. “I really want to start as soon as possible. If I start next week I won’t have missed that much.”

“You think that’s smart? You still can’t walk. Your ribs are still tender and you really need your rest to let your body heal, sweetie.” Lindsey’s thumb caressed Megan’s palm. “Can’t you wait till next semester?”

“And what am I supposed to do until February?” Megan replied. “No, I can’t wait that long. I’ll talk with my student advisor to make special arrangements for the first few weeks. I’ll be fine, I promise.” The decisive look in Megan’s eyes told Lindsey that there was no way Megan would change her mind about this. She definitely needed to do something about this Sidle-stubbornness.

“What about you, Lindsey?” Magda asked as she watched the two girls via her rearview mirror.

Lindsey leaned her head against Megan’s shoulder. “I don’t think law school is what I want to do for the next couple of years,” the blonde replied quietly. “I mean, it’s not where my passion lies…I don’t think I’ll ever be driven enough to become a good lawyer.”

“Where does your passion lie?” Sam asked.

Lindsey shrugged. “I always liked cooking.”

“Then go to a culinary arts school,” Megan started. “Maybe Magda could help you get started?”

“Sure!” the Latina replied immediately. “I’d love to. Why don’t we drop Sam and Megan off at your apartment, then we can do some grocery shopping and we’ll prepare a nice dinner tonight?”

“Sounds like a great idea,” Lindsey replied, already looking forward to learning lots about cooking from the Chef. Megan nodded in agreement. “I’d love a nice home-cooked dinner. How ‘bout you, Sam?”

At that moment Sam’s stomach decided to growl loudly. “Well, my stomach has already spoken,” she said, smirking at the woman sitting next to her.

Magda patted the paramedic’s taut stomach. “You’re always up for something to eat. It’s a wonder you’re still in such a good shape.”

“High metabolism,” Sam said, almost sounding proud about that fact.

“Right,” Magda quipped. “Still going to the gym and the dojo? Oh and of course not to forget, your running?”

Sam poked her tongue out at Magda. “Only got time for the dojo at the moment.”

“I always loved to watch you practice,” Magda replied softly as she kept her eyes trained on the road.

Lindsey squeezed Megan’s hand, quietly motioning to the two women in the front seats. Megan smiled. Their subtle flirting clearly suggested that the paramedic and the chef were well on their way to becoming more than “just friends” again.

Five minutes later, they arrived at the apartment building and, after watching Sam wheel Megan inside, Magda and Lindsey headed off to the supermarket to buy all the things they would need for their dinner that night.

“So what do you like to cook?” Magda asked as they headed inside the supermarket.

Lindsey shrugged. “At home I used to make pastas. And salads. All kinds of salads.”

“Okay.” Magda nodded. “How about we make a nice panzanella, that’s an Italian bread pasta, and lasagna?”

“Sounds great,” Lindsey said, smiling broadly. “What do we need?” she asked as she stopped the shopping cart at the vegetables section.


An hour later they’d also returned to Lindsey and Megan’s apartment, four paper bags completely filed with groceries. It was only three in the afternoon, too early to start dinner, and so, the two women put away all the stuff they bought.

Sam walked into the kitchen area and placed an empty glass on the kitchen counter. “Megan’s just gone to bed. I made her take some painkillers.”

“Is she okay?” Lindsey asked worriedly.

Sam placed a comforting hand on the young woman’s shoulder. “She was tired. Her ribs are still pretty sore.”

“And she thinks she can go to college again next week.” Lindsey shook her head.

“Just show her you support her,” Magda said as she locked eyes with Sam. “Even though she might not show you, she’ll really need that.”

“I’m going to check on her,” Lindsey said as she left the kitchen area and headed for the bedroom.

Sam turned her eyes away from the Latina. She leaned against the counter as Magda put the last things into the fridge. “Did you need me?”

“Yes,” Magda whispered in reply.

“But I walked away.” Sam hung her head.

“No, Sam,” Magda started as she closed the fridge and walked over to the short-haired blonde. She stopped right in front of the paramedic, and only till she got Sam to look at her she continued, “I pushed you away. I didn’t want help. I was selfish and I hurt you because of that. I see that now.”

Sam looked to the floor, evading the other woman’s eyes again. “Maybe if I-“

Magda cupped Sam’s chin, forcing her to meet her eyes. “Samantha, it’s not your fault. I did it to myself. At that time, there was nothing…no one who could help me. I wasn’t ready for that.”

She took Sam’s hand and pulled her towards the living room area, and settled on the couch, waiting for the blonde to join her. Sam, however, wasn’t sure whether to sit down or not, her emotions were threatening to spill.

“I’ve changed, Sam. I saw how selfish I was,” Magda said, silent tears falling from her eyes. “But for us that was too late,” she added in a whisper.

Sam couldn’t stand to see the other woman cry. She sat down and tentatively reached out, taking Magda’s hand in her own. “I never stopped loving you,” Sam replied just as softly.

Magda felt the soft squeeze of Sam’s hand and when the words the paramedic had just spoken really registered in her mind, she looked up, surprised by the raw emotions she clearly saw in Sam’s eyes.

“Sam…” Magda whispered as she slowly leaned closer to the other woman.

Unconsciously, Sam’s tongue snuck out, wetting her lips.

Their lips were so close, they could feel each other’s breath on their lips. Sam shivered. There was no denying her feelings anymore. She cupped the Latina’s cheek and closed her eyes, leaning in to close the last bit of distance between them.

“She’s sleeping now,” Lindsey said as she walked into the living room.

The two women jumped from the younger woman’s voice and quickly leaned back, looking like two little girls who were caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Releasing the breath she’d been holding, Sam sent Magda an apologetic look as she sat back on the couch.

Lindsey plopped on the couch, in between Magda and Sam. As she looked from one to the other and noticed the strange looks on their faces, she realized something had been going on before she’d walked in. “I’m sorry. I interrupted something, didn’t I?”


Catherine was looking out of the window of the plane, thinking back of their goodbyes just an hour ago. Lindsey and Megan, as well as Sam and Magda had gone along to the airport to wave them off. She hated the fact that she was leaving her daughter behind, but she knew that Lindsey would have to find her own way. At least she knew that Lindsey wasn’t alone.

“What are you thinking about?” Sara’s soft voice drifted into her ears.

The strawberry blonde turned and looked over at Sara. “That I’m glad the girls have one another.”

Sara nodded. “Yeah, and I’m glad that we know where to find them.”

“We really have to think of something to thank Sam and Magda,” Catherine said as she regarded the brunette.

“Don’t forget Paula and Nate,” Sara quipped.

“Right,” Catherine replied. She reached out and took Sara’s hand, entwining their fingers. “Maybe we could invite them all over for a weekend in Vegas?”

Sara looked at their hands, then looked up and locked eyes with Catherine. “That sounds like a great idea,” she said as she gave the strawberry blonde’s hand a soft squeeze.


“That was wonderful,” Sam said as leaned back and patted her belly. “I’m completely stuffed.”

Megan sat beside the paramedic in about the same pose. “Me too. This was delicious,” she added as she reached across the table and took Lindsey’s hand. “You should definitely do something with your talent.”

Lindsey looked at her girlfriend. “This was mostly Magda’s doing. Can’t do much with this stupid cast,” she said as she raised her left hand.

Magda smiled at the blonde sitting next to her. “Well, despite having only one hand at your disposal at the moment, you really have potential, Lindsey. I’d love to help you get into culinary arts school.”

“Besides, don’t you have an appointment next week? To get the cast removed?” Sam asked.

“Yes, Friday.” Lindsey nodded.

“Well,” Magda started as she got up, gathering the plates. “Time to clean up. Why don’t you two relax on the couch, Sam and I’ll do the dishes,” she added, earning her a pout from the paramedic.

“I hate doing the dishes,” Sam muttered.

“I know, cutie,” Magda started as she walked past Sam, her hand caressing the blonde’s back. “But it’s your payment for the meal you got.”

“Then why doesn’t Megan have to help?” Sam asked as she got up from her chair.

“She’s still recovering from an accident, Miss Paramedic. She needs her rest. You on the other hand…” She threw the dish towel toward Sam, who caught it single-handedly.


The dishes were almost done and Sam was watching Magda closely. Her teasing had been relentless, a glint in her eyes telling Sam all she needed to know. As Magda pushed a lock behind her ear, her foam-covered hand left a trace on her cheek.

Sam smiled as she watched the Latina who apparently didn’t notice the streak on her face. “You’ve got some…” Sam started as she leaned closer and cupped Magda’s face, her thumb wiping the bit of foam off of the Latina’s cheek. Their eyes locked and they both knew.

There was no turning back now.

Sam slowly closed the gap between their lips, kissing Magda softly as her hand found its way into her hair. Magda’s hands settled at Sam’s waist, keeping her close. It only took a few moments before a feeling of familiarity settled over Sam. This was where she was supposed to be.

The two women in the kitchen had gone pretty quiet all of a sudden and so Megan looked over her shoulder to see what they were up to. The sight that met her eyes made her smile.

“Babes,” she whispered as she softly nudges Lindsey, then motioned to Sam and Magda with her head.

As the blonde saw the two women kissing she smiled as well. Cuddling closer to Megan she quietly said “Finally” before sharing a soft kiss with the curly-haired brunette.

Things seemed to look up for them. For all of them.

To Be Concluded in Chapter 25

Thank you all very much for taking time to read this story!

author:mbinc, rating:nc-17, title:reaching out, length:chapter fic

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