FF: Reaching Out - Chapter 23

Dec 25, 2008 03:04

Disclaimer: CSI belongs to CBS and Jerry Bruckheimer. Megan, Sam, Nate, Paula and Magda are mine though ^_^
A/N: Again, thank you all for the feedback! And now...On with the show…

Chapter 23

Sara was the first to wake up that morning. She smiled as she looked down at the sleeping form of Catherine. The older woman had wrapped herself around her completely, an arm and a leg pinning Sara to the bed.

Her hand slowly caressed Catherine’s back as she watched Catherine sleep. They had been up for quite some hours last night, continuing their lovemaking till the early hours of the morning.

Her protesting bladder made Sara slowly extricate herself from underneath Catherine’s body. As she sat on the edge of the bed, she looked over her shoulder to her lover and smiled as she saw that Catherine was now cuddling her pillow, her face buried deeply into the soft material.

After she went to the bathroom Sara headed back for bed again. She lay down on her side, mimicking the position that Catherine was in and reached out, caressing Catherine’s face. Sapphire eyes opened, immediately focusing on her. A big smile settled on the strawberry blonde’s lips. “Hey,” she said, her voice hoarse.

“Hey beautiful,” Sara replied as she let her fingertips map Catherine’s jaw. “Thank you for last night.” She leaned in and kissed Catherine softly, her tongue tracing the older woman’s lips. “I…” Sara started, but then hesitated whether to continue or not and evaded Catherine’s eyes.

Catherine waited patiently, knowing that Sara needed her time. She cupped Sara’s chin, making sure she had eye contact as she let her sapphire eyes convey all her feelings. As Sara saw the certainty that lay deep in Catherine’s eyes, she gathered all her courage and, for the first time in a long while, she let her heart speak out loud. “I love you, Catherine.”

“I love you, too, Sara Sidle.” Catherine leaned in again and claimed Sara’s lips in a passionate kiss again. Turning onto her back and pulling Catherine close, Sara let out a deep breath she’d unconsciously been holding in.

“What…Tired of me already?” Catherine asked as she let her fingers rake across Sara’s chest.

“No!” Sara immediately replied. “Just glad I could finally tell you.”

“I know, Sweetie,” Catherine said as she pulled the covers over their naked bodies again. Resting her head on Sara’s shoulder she added, “And I’m really happy that you did. I know it wasn’t easy for you.”

Sara took the older woman’s hand and entwined their fingers. After a moment of silence, she said, “I’ve never been really good at this…Showing my feelings. It was…It was something that wasn’t…Appreciated.”

Squeezing Sara’s hand softly, Catherine leaned up on her elbow, locking eyes with Sara. “I love you, Sara. Everything that is going on in here,” she said, pointing to Sara’s heart. “And here,” she continued, placing her finger to Sara’s head, “Know that you can always talk with me about it.”

Sara merely nodded.

Deciding to lighten the mood, Catherine nipped at Sara’s lips, her hand sneaking under the cover, trailing across Sara’s skin. “Remember that large tub in the bathroom?” Catherine asked, a smirk firmly settled on her lips.

“Yes,” Sara replied, already knowing where the strawberry blonde’s thoughts were going.

“I think we should both go for a nice soak this time.” Catherine slowly pulled the covers down, revealing Sara’s breasts. As she leaned in to kiss the brunette she noticed a clear bruise on Sara’s right breast. A mark of their lovemaking last night. “Oops.”

Sara looked down at where Catherine’s finger was caressing her skin. As she noticed the red mark on the upper side of her right breast she quickly looked into a smirking Catherine’s eyes. “Oops, my ass.”

“And what a nice ass it is,” Catherine quipped as she let her hands trail along the side of Sara’s body, only to stop at the rounding of her behind. Licking her lips, she started to softly squeeze Sara’s behind, giving her a massage.

“Stop it,” Sara said as she slapped at Catherine’s hand. “I thought we were going to take a bath?”

“And we will,” Catherine started as she pushed Sara onto her back. She straddled the brunette’s waist before continuing, “Eventually.” She leaned in and passionately kissed Sara as her hand cupped Sara’s left breast, softly pinching an already erect nipple.


It was a quarter past twelve when Sam clocked her car and headed for the Inn’s back entrance. She was really looking forward to spending some time with Magda.

Nate looked up from the computer screen he’d been staring at for hours, working on the Inn’s bookkeeping. He saw his sister walk into the small office. “Sam, hey. What are you doing here?” Nate asked as he turned back to the screen.

Plopping down in the chair next to her brother, Sam said, “I’m here to pick up Magda.” Sam fought a chuckle that was threatening to come out as she watched her brother’s head snap back to face her. If that didn’t give him a whiplash…

Nate smiled. “You and Magda are…”

“Friends, Nate. We talked and decided to give our friendship another try,” Sam said.

“Just friends. Right. That’s why Magda’s been singing along with the radio all day and why you’ve got this silly grin on your face. So, got to third base already? Or a home run?” He smirked at his younger sister.

“Nate!” Sam yelled, punching his shoulder.

“Ouch! That hurt.” The pout on his face caused Sam to laugh out loud. “Oh, big bruv, that look really becomes you. Doesn’t work on me, though.”

“It never did, huh?” Nate asked. He reached over and ruffled Sam’s hair.

“Hey! Cut that out,” Sam said sternly.

“Oops, right…You’ve got to look your best for your date,” he snickered.

“It’s not a-“ Sam started, but stopped as Magda walked into the room and quickly tried to straighten her hair. “Hey,” Sam said shyly as she jumped up from the chair, smiling at the Latina.

“Smooth, Sam…Very smooth,” Nate whispered, though loud enough for all to hear. Magda smirked as she saw Sam blush.

“Shut up, Daddy,” Sam quipped. Magda looked at Nate, one eyebrow raised in surprise. She knew from Paula that they’d been trying to get pregnant for years.

“Congrats, Nate,” Magda said, smiling brightly at her boss.

“Thanks, but please act surprised when Paula tells you,” he said as he gave his sister ‘the evil eye’. “Or else I’ll be in the doghouse…Again.”

“Hmm, I don’t know,” Magda replied, crossing her arms. “What’s in it for me if I keep my mouth shut?” she kidded.

“I’ll let you date my sister?”

“Deal,” Magda said, winking at Sam. “Ready to go?”

Sam nodded, a silly grin plastered on her face. She knew it was true. Despite her effort to get rid of all the feelings for Magda, she realized her heart had always belonged to the Latina. And it still did.

After saying their goodbyes to Nate, the two women headed for Sam’s car. The drive over to the bistro was a short one. And so, besides some friendly chatting about the weather, not much had happened when they arrived at their favorite bistro.

As they walked up to the entrance of the bistro, Sam noticed that Magda was eying her uniform. “I’m sorry,” Sam started. “I have to work an extra shift later on.”

“Well, lucky me,” Magda started as she stared at the paramedic’s strong, uniform-clad body. “You know how much I like to see you in your uniform.” Finally she looked into Sam’s eyes.

Sam cleared her throat and could feel her cheeks burning up. “Uhm…” She could indeed remember how much Magda had liked her uniform. “L…Let’s get inside,” she quickly said, trying to change the subject.

Magda snickered as she walked through the door that Sam held open for her, ‘accidentally’ brushing up against her. Sam growled softly. They had only just started hanging out again, and Magda was already able to turn her into a blushing and stuttering fool.


Megan was the first to wake up that morning. A blonde head nestled underneath her chin and an arm thrown protectively around her waist. She smiled as she heard the light snore coming from her girlfriend. Softly, she started to caress the blonde tresses that hid Lindsey’s face.

She pushed a blonde lock behind Lindsey’s ear and let her thumb trace along her jaw line. Lindsey looked so peaceful, angelic even, with her blonde hair illuminated by the rays of sunlight that crept into their bedroom.

Our bedroom, Megan thought. Things have gone real fast. A worried look crossed her face. What if this all has gone too fast? What if Lindsey wakes up and thinks this whole thing’s a bad idea? What if…

Megan’s mind threatened to fill with doubt, but as she felt Lindsey’s body move even closer, the doubts immediately started to fade. No. This was our plan in the first place. Okay, the plan might have been fast-forwarded, but it will work.

Looking down at the still sleeping form of her girlfriend, Megan whispered, “I love you, Lindsey Willows.”

Lindsey replied with an unintelligible mutter as she nuzzled the Megan’s neck. Her soft lips touching Megan’s neck sent shivers down the brunette’s spine.

With one hand behind her head, the other caressing Lindsey’s back and her eyes trained on the ceiling above her, Megan considered how lucky she was. About a week ago she still was hospitalized, had had quite extensive surgery, was blind, and had been completely terrified.

She was so thankful that Lindsey had stuck to her side. Even though she’d been lousy at showing, her fear of losing her independence making her very stubborn. A family trait, she remembered. When it comes to their independence, Sidle women can be very stubborn.

“Come on, baby,” Megan started as she cupped Lindsey’s cheek. “We’ve got to get out of bed. Your mom and Sara are leaving in…” She checked the alarm clock before continuing, “Four hours.”

To Be Continued…

Thanks for reading! Happy Holidays!

author:mbinc, rating:nc-17, title:reaching out, length:chapter fic

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