FF: The Perfect Car

Aug 26, 2008 16:30

Disclaimer: CSI belongs to CBS and Jerry Bruckheimer.
A/N: Thank you all very much for the feedback on The Perfect Bed. I’m glad to hear you all enjoyed it. Thanks for your kind words. You inspired me to continue with the ‘perfect’-series, and so, here I present to you, the second short story in the series The Perfect…

The Perfect Car

The ringing of her phone woke Sara. Cursing under her breath, she reached for the annoying apparatus. “Hello?”

“Hey Sara,” Catherine said, sounding very chipper and very awake.

“Cath? It’s my day off.” Sara muttered as she rolled over in her bed, pinching the bridge of her nose then slowly opening her eyes, getting used to the few rays of sunlight that entered her bedroom.

“I know, and I’m sorry to call you this…Hang on,” she suddenly stopped, and to Sara it sounded as if she was checking something. “11 am isn’t early,” Catherine quipped.

Sara groaned as she stretched one arm above her head. “How’s the bed?” she asked, a small smirk settling on her lips as she vividly remembered how she’d helped Catherine with that.

“Good,” Catherine replied. “Though, my bed is still a virgin.”

Sara cleared her throat, her groin throbbing with the same teenager hormone-crazy need she’d felt a week ago. She slid her left hand across her satin sheets. That morning with Catherine in her bed had turned out to be their first step to more than just close friends.

Catherine chuckled. “The real reason I called is because I wanted to ask if you could help me out with my car.”

“He…H…Help you with your car?” Sara asked as she sat up straight.

“Yes, help, Sara. It’s making all these weird noises,” Catherine replied. “And there’s smoke coming from beneath the hood.

“Ah, right,” the brunette said, letting out a deep breath she’d been holding in without realizing. “I’ll be there in half an hour.”


After crawling back out from underneath Catherine’s car, Sara shook her head, taking the cloth Catherine offered her. “I’m sorry, Catherine. Your car died,” Sara said as she wiped her greasy hands on the cloth.

Shaking her head as if to shake her mind from certain thoughts about woman standing in front of her, Catherine finally registered what Sara had just said. “Dammit,” Catherine started as she looked at her hands quickly. “Guess I’ll have to buy a new car, then huh?” she continued.

“I’m sorry,” Sara said again. “Replacing the parts would cost a lot of time, not to mention money.”

Catherine then made the mistake to look at Sara again. The sleeves of the dark blue coverall wrapped around Sara’s hips, the sweat glistening along Sara’s biceps and shoulders in combination with the smudged, though very well fitting white tank top, made Catherine weak-kneed. She wanted to ravish Sara, right there. Right now!

The look in Catherine’s eyes told Sara exactly what she was thinking. She watched Catherine walk over to where she leaned against the side of the car. Sara gulped as Catherine leaned in close and reached for the door handle of the backseat. Grabbing a hand full of Sara’s tank top, Catherine pulled Sara into her body, placing a searing kiss on her lips.

“Wh…Where’s Lindsey?” Sara asked , completely breathless.

Catherine tugged her along and pushed her on the backseat. She settled on top of the tall brunette, nudging Sara’s legs apart and slipping her lower body in between. Looking down into Sara’s dark, lust-filled eyes, she whispered, “At school.” Her breath tickled Sara’s lips before she leaned in and slowly kissed her.

“So,” Catherine started with a husky voice. “Do you think you can help me find the perfect car?” she asked, a teasing glint in her eyes.

Emboldened by Catherine’s words, Sara replied, “Oh, I’ll show you a perfect ride.”

The End

Thank you for reading!

author:mbinc, rating:nc-17, title:the perfect car

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