Squeeee and oh WOW, because I have, in addition to a gift fic, two treats now?!?!?! I am so freaking excited, and this is actually a wonderful thing for me this year for various reasons, and means a lot.
Eeeep as to the BEARS, they are with me even as I do more and more edits and maybe something extra on my own assignment. I'm hoping to have bits of time to maybe write a Madness or two, and have Ideas even, but I'm not sure I will have time, as I have so many BEARS for my main thing. Eeep ,though I sure love the canon. (I means, it's already posted and could be final as is, but... ugh). So basically I'm at the stage where I think every word I write sucks donkey balls haha.
But mainly I'm posting to say THANK YOU IN ADVANCE to the amazing people who've written things for meeeee this year, wow. <3 I'm also so so grateful to the wonderful people who at the last minute offered to BETA for me, which believe me, I needed. :D They rock my world!!!
In short, fandom, I love you. I seriously, seriously need this and all of you back in my life. Gonna try to make that happen. 2015, here we come...
Also posted at
My Dreamwidth. Comment in either place. <3